White house Mulvaney Trumps chief of staff is
White house Mulvaney Trumps chief of staff is

America President Donald Trump wants to make his former budget Director and chief of the office for consumer protection, Mick Mulvaney, interim chief of staff in the White house. The Trump announced on Friday in the short message service Twitter. Mulvaney is intended to replace the previous chief of staff, John Kelly, will give up the Post at the end of the year.

Mulvaney did in his previous role as budget Director “outstanding” work done, said Trump. He is looking forward to working with him in his new Position, cooperate. The 51-year-old Mulvaney, a former Republican Congressman for the state of South Carolina, is considered to be extremely conservative and as a supporter of a strict budgetary discipline. As a budget Director in the White house he is for government spending and administration.

His acting chief of staff Kelly praised Trump as a “great patriot”. He thanked the former General for his services. The President had announced last Saturday the departure of Kelly, the will give up his Post at the end of the year.

“It’s still my Vision. But I am open for ideas“

At the 8. December had announced to the American President, the current holder of the post, John Kelly, a former General of the Marines, will leave at the end of the year. The step was long expected. In 2016, the White house brought in to bring discipline and stability into the government stores, should Kelly have lost very quickly Trumps grace – because he actually tried, his Job complete. But apparently the American President did not like to check and desavouierte its employees. Even with trump’s influential daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner – both adviser to the President – met with Kelly, as he took Kushner security clearance, so this was cut off from the flow of information. The last Trump had not even spoken more with him, it is said in the American media.

First, it is said that Mulvaney had no interest in the Item, because it is interesting more for trade and Finance. Now a Job that is hardly created expected him to earn laurels. Trumps the prior chief of staff Reince Priebus – who remained only a year and a half in the White house and John Kelly can report from experience how difficult it is to control Trump. The President himself wants someone who “is strong, but I want someone who thinks like I do. It is my Vision. It is still my Vision. But I am open to ideas,“ said Trump in an Interview with Fox News.

trump’s first choice – the chief of staff to Vice-President Mike Pence, Nick Ayers had turned down the Job. Then it looked at first as a Chris Christie, a Governor from New Jersey, the next best choice Trumps would be, but this, too, had other priorities.

From the White house it was said that Mulvaney had been selected, “because the President likes him and they get along together”. Mulvaney had as a former member of the house of representatives in addition, experience with the Congress. He and Trump had met on Friday to a personal interview. Mulvaney did not know of his appointment by Twitter.