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summers in the plaza de Las Ventas were synonymous with cumshots hard, opportunities for right-handed disadvantaged, for novilleros who sought to break through. In the first years of life of the bullring in madrid, without the feria de San Isidro , the main figures are acartelaban throughout the season, but from those fifty they spent three decades of exodus of the bullfighters of popularity during the hot months.

In the forties, Manolete, Domingo Ortega, Lalanda, Pepe Luis, Luis Miguel or Villlalta were usual in the month of July, especially in the Running Press , which are always announced in the last days of June or in early July. It was precisely this celebration extraordinary the only one who kept posters of greatest attraction for the desert of three decades that acarteló to bullfighters Antonio Bienvenida, Gregorio Sanchez, Liters, Aparicio, Diego Door, The Viti or Andres Vazquez. A day and no more, from the Running of the Press to The Sales they returned the signs of summer.

In the eighties came aires new to the bullring in madrid. After the complete failure that resulted in the management of Martín Berrocal and Canorea , the plaza came at the hands of Manolo Chopera. Had to return the illusion to a fertilizer under minimum . Just four thousand subscribers, compared to the eighteen thousand that had at the end of the decade.

And among the news introduced Poplar was precisely to give shaft to the month of July, once the feria de San Isidro , and before the diaspora summer August. It was in 1983, when it changed the landscape. To the traditional Media , a competition that Ortega Cano, who came to pardon “Belador” Victorino the year before, and Curro Durán sent hand-to-hand, continued to July 10, the big door Julio Robles , in an evening in which he was clothed by the Antoñete and Manzanares. And a week later, another poster strong, Antoñete, Angel Teruel and Capes , the bulls of Osborne.

In 1984, he continued the experiment very well received by the public. The first of July, bulls Atanasio Fernández, for Curro Vázquez, Julio Robles and Roberto Domínguez, and by day 8, Curro Romero and Paula, with the knight, Alvaro Domecq, before a run of Montalvo. The following season, Damaso Gonzalez, Curro Vazquez and Ortega Cano in the Press, and Curro Romero, Julio Robles, which turned out to shoulders, and Pepe Luis Vazquez July 7, with bulls of Aldeanueva.

Another month of July with posters strong was the of 1987. is Liters and Rafi Road hand-in-hand with steers of The Tower, the day 5; and the so-called Run-of-Art with Antoñete, Curro and Paula the day 12. It is dealt that afternoon bulls of the Marquis of Albayda, and two of them were living Romero and Paula, in a celebration of great intensity.

Antoñete, Curro Romero and Manili , torearon the July 3, 1988 the bulls of Torrestrella, with the shock still present of the great afternoon that gave the Capes a few days before to succeed fully with the victorines solo. On the 10th of July, Paula Robles and Ortega Cano passed without leaving a trace.

The eighties, a decade with a month of July full of posters strong that little by little they were disappearing in the following seasons to get back to the crossing of the desert in which he returned to become The Sales during the summer months.