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Some mobile applications cease to be compatible with operating systems considered too old. On December 31, in less than a week, it will be the case for WhatsApp. This application is nothing more than a chat service. It allows you to send messages to your contacts via their mobile phone number. The main difference between a WhatsApp message and a text message is that the application requires an internet connection and not the cellular network.

The application debuted on iOS, Apple’s operating system, in 2009. In 2010, the Android version was launched and the platform reached 200 million monthly active users in just four years, according to Affide. It is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with nearly 2 billion monthly active users on its account today.

The vast majority of affected devices are more than 10 years old. The reason why some models remain compatible rather than others is due to the age of their operating system version. After a certain time has elapsed since the release of the model, you can no longer perform updates on your smartphone.

Thus, you will need, for iPhone users, at least version 12.1 of iOS released in 2018, as reported by our colleagues from 20 minutes. For mobile phones with the Android operating system, all smartphones running version 4.1, known as “Jelly Bean”, are concerned.

Find below all the models that will no longer be compatible with the application from December 31, according to the Phonandroid site.