resim 601
resim 601

Do you know how much you will earn after you retire? The amount of the pension to which you will be entitled depends on several factors and is likely to vary considerably, depending in particular on the number of quarters that you will be able to display at the time of the liquidation of your rights. This is far from the only element to consider, however! Age, as well as the year of birth and the average annual salary (SAM), also play a major role in calculating the amount that will be paid each month.

In fact, as the French administration points out on the public service website, the formula for calculating the amount of the retirement pension is relatively simple… at least for the general scheme. It simply requires the knowledge of certain values, which are as follows:

These values ​​identified, here is the formula, as described on the public service website: “Average annual income x Pension rate x (Duration of insurance of the employee under the general scheme limited to the maximum duration of insurance according to the year of birth / Duration of insurance to obtain a full pension)”.

It is also important to underline the fact that the generations likely to retire in 2022 are those born in the early 1960s and that they must therefore post at least 167 quarters to benefit from the full rate, without having to wait for 67 years . But what situation should we expect when we have not been able to contribute enough?

Some workers, unfortunately, have not had the opportunity to contribute enough to present a career eligible for the full rate. They will therefore have to deal with a pension reduced by a more or less significant percentage. In this case, we speak of “proratization”, as Planet has already explained.

Each missing quarter results in a reduction of 1.25% of the pension. For a worker who has contributed 99 quarters out of 167, this implies a difference of 68 quarters… Which would therefore represent a shortfall of 85% of the final amount of the pension. In theory ! Since, in practice, mechanics come to protect the French and the French. In practice, such a penalty can never exceed a quarter of the amount of the pension and, if the latter is too low, it is also possible to claim ASPA after the age of 65. This allowance brings the beneficiary’s income to a maximum of 906.81 euros.