While the debates around the pension reform are still raging, the French are increasingly wondering about the age at which they will be able to retire, but also the amount of their future pension. It is rarer to obtain information from people who have never worked and thus know whether a right to retirement remains open in this configuration. What are the possibilities for someone who has never worked? Is it possible to receive a retirement pension in this case?

To obtain a retirement pension, it is normally necessary to have contributed a minimum before the age of 67. The old-age contributions paid by the employees, as well as the employer, thus offer the possibility of validating quarters for the basic pension schemes. They also make it possible to acquire points for supplementary pension schemes. In other cases, it is possible to benefit from bonus quarters in the context of maternity, child rearing, but also help as a third party, military service or even unemployment benefit.

It is possible to contribute to retirement without ever having worked in different ways. You can thus request your attachment to the old-age insurance of parents at home, register as unemployed to validate up to 6 quarters of retirement or even contribute voluntarily to retirement insurance. Only one quarter can therefore be counted towards your retirement. Its amount will be minimal and subject to a discount. You will be offered to apply for social assistance, Aspa, the solidarity allowance for the elderly. The amount of the allowance was set at 961.08 euros per month as of January 1, 2023.