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General surprise: on January 11, 2024, Rachida Dati was appointed Minister of Culture. The former Minister of Justice is in fact one of the new ministers to join the new government of Gabriel Attal. An announcement that surprised more than one. Starting with her.

At the heart of all the speculation in recent days, his name had never come out until then, unlike that of Claire Chazal or Stéphane Berne. “We will judge on his actions,” the director of the Syndicat des Musiques Actuelles told H Barely appointed, the minister is already the talk of the press, in particular because of her indictment, which has remained silent until now.

Since 2021, the former Minister of Justice has, in fact, been prosecuted for “passive corruption”, “passive influence peddling, concealment of abuse of power”. These accusations concern his provision of consulting services to Carlos Ghosn, former CEO of Renault-Nissan. Asked about the choice to integrate Rachida Dati, despite her potential involvement in this affair at 8 p.m. on TF1, Gabriel Attal was clear: “her indictment is not a conviction”. In addition, he also wanted to recall that the mayor of the 7th arrondissement “benefited from the presumption of innocence”. For her part, Rachida Dati defended herself in this matter by evoking a situation “like in 2019, (or) we are trying to hinder my commitment to the upcoming deadlines” in Le Parisien in 2021.

While the arrival within the government of Rachida Dati is debated, let’s dive into the past of the Minister of Culture, with the main photos of her career, in our slideshow below: