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The riders have raised around $8,000 after covering 540 miles in their initial two days

Veterans from across West Virginia are riding across the country at a four-day journey to increase money from the inaugural Legacy Run.

Commander John Powell pitched the concept in late 2020, building off of an yearly event to raise funds for the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund, which offers money for kids of U.S. military personnel killed or wounded after 9/11.

Usually, the American Legions nation-wide will possess a one time run to raise cash, but Powell wished to do something”special.”

“I just decided, coming from the back of the pandemic, I am the department commander, I would like to do something a little different — get the word out, ride throughout the state of West Virginia and raise a little money,” Powell told Fox News.

“We want to get out the word that the American Legion is still here,” Powell explained. “We’re relevant, we’re young and vibrant, and attempt to bring some new members.”

At each city, the cyclists stop in the regional American Legion to raise money, all of which goes towards the scholarship fund.

Thus far, Powell believes the riders have raised around $8,000, with much more to come. Back in Bluefield, the riders have met up with a Harley Davidson Bike Night, which will send all proceeds to the scholarship fund.

The riders are aiming to raise $20,000 across the weekend.

The first day saw 70 riders, using a fall off to about 40 on Friday, however, Powell expects to pick up a”huge” number of bicycles on Saturday.

The route will take the riders to Logan and Parkersburg on Saturday before heading towards Wheeling — Powell’s home place, and also the self-proclaimed”oldest article” from the nation, where he’ll host a homecoming dinner.

What he appreciates more than anything, however, would be the small tributes the riders see along the way.

“It was in Petersburg — I wish had a picture of it — there was a young gentleman, couldn’t be more than a decade old, standing at salute as we went by,” Powell recalled. “No parents, no friends nearby, only something to see.”

“There were three individuals yesterday pulling off to the side of the path to film us going by. It was something”

“This is actually the first run we’ve done, and it definitely won’t be the past,” Powell promised.