resim 235
resim 235

Goodbye sunny weather, hello rain. After a summer start to the week, combining bright sunshine and high temperatures, the sky will give way to a stormy deterioration at the end of the week. According to the forecasts of La Chaîne Météo, “France will be under the influence of a system of low Atlantic pressures which will influence almost all our regions, accompanied by generally unstable weather”.

Saturday, May 6, 2023, sunny weather will persist over two thirds of the country. In the northeast, it will be sunny and warm… While the northwest of France should expect gray or even rainy weather. “In the evening, violent storms are expected from the south-west to the central regions. These storms will progress towards the east at night from Saturday to Sunday”, specifies the site specializing in meteorology. Before this degradation, the temperatures will be equivalent to those of June.

During the night from Saturday to Sunday, a rainy-stormy axis should form and cause heavy rains, sometimes stormy. “Temperatures will drop compared to the day before, returning in places below normal”, notes the forecaster. Some stormy rain is also expected on Monday May 8.

If the situation seems to deteriorate from Sunday on the whole territory, thunderstorms are already expected Friday afternoon. In our slideshow below, find out if you live in one of the 20 departments affected by thunder and lightning*.

*The information provided is based on Météo-France forecasts for Wednesday May 3, 2023 at 3 p.m. and is subject to change.