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Sun, when will you be back? From Saturday, we promise! Throughout the week, violent storms raged across France. And although a storm yellow alert is placed on 42 departments in the bulletin of Friday August 19, 2022 from Météo France, the sun will return everywhere in France… Well, almost.

Because the forecasters of La Chaîne Météo estimate that: “the sun will be generous”, especially in the central regions, this Saturday. Although with a little wind in the Mediterranean: the mistral and the tramontane will blow up to 50km/h.

On Sunday, it is the effect of the Azores anticyclone which will bring calm and dry weather, despite the arrival of a new disturbance from the west. Reinflated by the Bay of Biscay, it will evacuate the instability of the stormy phenomena in place towards our borders.

As for the temperatures, it is the return of a summer mercury over the whole of France. The thermometer will climb between 20°C and 33°C. A seasonal normal present from north to south.

Seasonal temperatures, bright sunshine… Yes, but not for everyone. The weekend of August 20 to 21, 2022 therefore promises to be cloudy to say the least. In 29 departments, cumulus clouds will veil the sky, according to the La Chaîne Météo bulletin of Friday August 19, 2022, at 9 a.m.

To find out about the entire territory concerned by these phenomena, Planet has produced the slideshow below. On the other hand, clarifications and modifications can be made by the scientists. The forecasts therefore remain to be confirmed.