The heavy rain has passed – the sun is coming out again. But new storms are forecast for Saturday afternoon and evening. The German Weather Service has now issued numerous severe weather warnings. Read everything you need to know in the weather ticker.

6:22 p.m.: Heavy thunderstorms and heavy rain with hail are threatening six districts. The German Weather Service has therefore issued an official severe weather warning.

Sunday, June 9, 6:09 p.m.: Heavy thunderstorms and heavy rain with hail are threatening four districts. The German Weather Service has therefore issued an official severe weather warning.

The DWD writes: “Isolated thunderstorms are moving in from the southwest. There will be heavy rain with precipitation amounts of up to 30 l/m² in a short time, as well as heavy gusts of wind with speeds of around 90 km/h (25 m/s, 48 ​​kn, Bft 10) and hail with grain sizes of around 3 cm.”

11.35 a.m.: The water level of the Danube is falling, but there is still no time to give the all-clear: The Bavarian Flood Warning Service (HND) expects that the rain forecast in the Alps will cause the water level in individual Danube tributaries and on the Danube to rise again by Monday. However, according to information from Sunday, the experts are not expecting floods like last weekend. The highest warning level 4 is not predicted anywhere.

Many municipalities and districts continue to believe that a state of emergency is necessary. Things were particularly critical in Regensburg recently, for example, because the water was only receding very slowly. The city has been under a state of emergency since June 3. The water level at the Iron Bridge measuring point was around 2.70 meters on average on May 28, after which the water level climbed continuously until the morning of June 5 to reach 6.17 meters. On Sunday morning, the HND reported 4.28 meters.

11.22 a.m.: Almost a week after the floods, the Lower Bavarian district of Deggendorf has lifted the current state of emergency. The district announced that the Danube is expected to fall below reporting level 3 on the four-level scale during the course of Sunday. According to the Flood Intelligence Service (HND), flooding of agricultural and forestry areas is still possible at level 2, which is expected in the district. Despite the lifting of the state of emergency, around 200 firefighters are still deployed at the dams.

“This major event has shown us once again how important it is to expand flood protection,” said District Administrator Bernd Sibler when the flood protection measures were lifted. “I would like to thank everyone who helped to ensure that our region was spared from major damage.”

10.22 a.m.: Following the storms in parts of Austria, the civil defense alarm for the particularly affected community of Deutschfeistritz was lifted on Sunday. As a fire department spokesman explained, there were no reports of possible injuries or even deaths. In the town of 4,000 inhabitants north of Graz, a flash flood swept away cars and damaged numerous houses on Saturday evening.

The Übelbach had overflowed its banks after torrential rain. According to meteorologists, more than 100 litres of rain per square metre had fallen in a short space of time. A mudslide hit the motorway near Graz. Because of the masses of earth and rubble, both lanes were initially closed on Sunday.

The gusts also caused numerous trees to fall onto the streets. Several routes are still closed, a police spokesman said on Sunday. The fire brigade was deployed to clear up the damage. Around the state capital Graz alone, the fire brigade had to respond to more than 800 storm operations, wrote the “Kleine Zeitung”. A nursing home in Neudau in Styria had to be evacuated because it was under water, a disaster control spokesman told the APA news agency. “A total of 40 people were brought to safety.”

On Sunday, the weather had initially calmed down. However, meteorologists said that further thunderstorms could not be ruled out during the course of the day. The risk of severe weather was particularly high in Tyrol.

Sunday, June 9, 7:30 a.m.: After a storm, the town of Deutschfeistritz in Austria, which has a population of 4,000, has called on all residents to stay at home because of the danger to their lives. In addition to the current flooding, another storm front with up to 100 liters of rainfall per square meter is expected, the town north of Graz announced on Facebook on Saturday evening. The town center can only be reached by boat, wrote the “Kleine Zeitung”. Some drivers were trapped in their vehicles, but were able to be rescued, a town spokesperson told the newspaper. Photos showed that the masses of water were pushing cars against the walls of houses.

These were scenes that you won’t forget in a hurry: The Übelbach in Deutschfeistritz quickly turned into a raging torrent after an unexpectedly heavy thunderstorm. The fire brigade commander of Deutschfeistritz, Andreas Reiter, reported on the dramatic events in a video interview with the “Kleine Zeitung”. “We as the fire brigade could not have done anything,” was his shocking statement in the interview.

When the floods came, people were stuck in their vehicles and some were swept away. In the midst of this desperation, however, residents of a nearby apartment building became unexpected saviors. They did not hesitate for a moment when it came to saving lives. Two young guests from a kebab restaurant joined them and showed that in times of greatest need, human solidarity can overcome anything. “They rescued the people from the roof of the car with a ladder,” said Reiter.

After heavy rainfall on Saturday, the Übelbach, which flows through the town, turned into a raging torrent. The Red Cross has set up an emergency point for basic supplies in a school center, the municipality said. Civil defense alarms have also been raised in other smaller towns in Styria because of the flooding. The authorities have not yet reported any victims.

A mudslide also hit a motorway in the region on Saturday. According to motorway operator Asfinag, the expressway had to be closed due to the masses of earth and debris.

10.20 p.m.: Deutschfeistritz in the Austrian state of Styria was flooded by heavy water on Saturday afternoon. And the market town is warning of new rainfall that could make everything much worse. “Another storm front with up to 100 liters of rainfall” is moving toward the town, they say. There is “absolute danger to life.” All emergency services are deployed.

According to “”, civil defense alarms were also triggered in the municipalities of Eggersdorf, Weinitzen and Nord-Andritz.

8:55 p.m.: Heavy rainfall is causing dramatic flooding in Austria. The town of Deutschfeistritz in Styria has been hit particularly hard. People are posting pictures and videos from the town on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook. They all show the huge masses of water rushing through the village. One video shows people trying to escape the floods by climbing onto the roofs of their cars.

Up to 100 liters per square meter have fallen in the region in a short space of time, it is said. The portal “” quotes Meike Brucher from the market town: “We really call on everyone to stay in their houses. There is an absolute danger to life.”

Meanwhile, the rain is also moving towards Lower Austria and Vienna.

6:09 p.m.: The heavy thunderstorms accompanied by heavy rain are moving further into the east of Bavaria. The German Weather Service is warning of storms with lightning strikes and hail. Flooding of streets and underpasses as well as cellars is possible. Gusts of wind can reach speeds of up to 90 km/h.

5.15 p.m.: The idyll of Lake Chiemsee may be marred this summer. The communities on the shores of the Bavarian Sea, as Lake Chiemsee is also known, are facing a major challenge: an increase in the mosquito population is expected. As the floodwaters slowly recede, mosquito larvae find ideal conditions to multiply undisturbed. There is currently no effective way to combat this, as the necessary chemical agents are lacking.

“We are expecting a higher mosquito infestation this summer,” Quirin Schwaiger, managing director of the Chiemsee Wastewater and Environmental Association (AUV), told the “Bild” newspaper exclusively. Normally, the water level of the Alz, which is considered a measure of flooding on Lake Chiemsee, would require the use of a biological agent called “BTI”, which is distributed through the air and kills the larvae at an early stage of development. This year, however, the supply of “BTI” has been interrupted. Dirk Reischle, project manager of the manufacturing company “Icybac” in Rhineland-Palatinate, announced that all stocks had been used up to deal with flood damage on the Upper Rhine.

The current spread of the Asian tiger mosquito in Germany is not affected by “BTI” because it is only used near the shore and not in forests or fields, where there are also numerous puddles. “We are not facing a catastrophe. But we wanted to inform the population as early as possible,” stresses Schwaiger with regard to the current situation at Chiemsee. There is hope that new stocks of the agent could be available in about three weeks, but if there is further heavy rainfall and resulting flooding, action would have to be taken quickly to obtain fresh stocks.

You can read more about the current weather conditions on the following pages.