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It’s hard to imagine the end of October with such weather… In recent days, and while the calendar autumn is already well under way, we have observed a surprising mild temperature in terms of temperatures, with, this weekend, new records for the month of October.

According to Météo France, it was 32°C in Figari (Corsica) this Sunday: the mercury had not climbed so high since 1979. In Marignane (Bouches-du-Rhône), 29.5°C were also recorded, unheard of since… 1921.

But what is due to this exceptional phenomenon which seems to prolong the summer a little longer?

“Since early October, the southerly wind, channeled between a stationary depression over the Atlantic and an anticyclone stretching from the Maghreb to central Europe, has brought exceptional mildness to most of the country”, explains the Weather Channel. And, as in the middle of summer, this configuration risks causing a few storms…

In short, it is summer, in the middle of autumn. This week, the forecasts are astonishing: it should be between 25°C and 30°C from north to south of the country, and new records could be broken.

But that’s not all. According to the Weather Channel, “the analysis of our thermal indicator for the next 10 days shows, with excellent reliability, the extension of this great mildness until the end of the month, and its possible extension until the beginning of November” .

On average, summarizes the service, the temperatures of this “hot anomaly” will exceed seasonal norms by 3°C daily, with peaks above 5°C.

Autumn is therefore not ready to arrive… And if some people undeniably see the worrying consequences of global warming, others are delighted to spend the week on the terrace or in the garden, in order to enjoy the sun before winter. …and its many uncertainties.

What will be the most beautiful “summer” day in your region this week? Find out in the slideshow below.