They buzz in the plants or in the thickets; they accompany walkers on a countryside hike; or they twirl happily to try to forage a piece of melon or any sweets that may attract them during a summer aperitif. With the good weather, bees, hornets and wasps return, and sometimes to disturb humans. When it’s not the opposite: and the slightest sudden gesture can encourage them to sting to defend themselves, just as passing too close to their nest can challenge a swarm. The summer of 2022 is also particularly favorable, since winter has spared these striped insects: professionals thus speak of a “wasp summer”.

To differentiate these small creatures essential to the ecosystem, some clues are to be noted by carefully observing the body of the insect and the way it reacts. What is his size ? Is it rather round or thin? Does he have hair or does he have none? Does it make a lot of noise while flying? What are its colors? What is the shape of the nest? All these details make it possible to determine which species has come to flit by your side, and thus the best attitude to adopt. In any case, it is the female that stings, and regardless of the intensity of the pain, only allergic people can be in danger if they are exposed. “It is estimated that around twenty deaths per year in France are due to the stings of hymenoptera such as bees or wasps. The vast majority of these are allergic accidents”, reports Gérard Duvallert, medical entomologist, on Medisite. There are also several tricks to keep them away without a badly placed backhand that could make them react.

To recognize bees, hornets and wasps, Planet has compiled a list of characteristics. What to be unbeatable on these insects and now more serene.