A small yellow and black striped flying insect, the wasp of its scientific name Vespula vulgaris is multiplying particularly this summer. According to expert Johan Sauer, of Guêpes-Apens 25 for France Info: “2022 will be the year of the wasp”. The reason ? According to Cyprien Ferrier, director of a pest control company in the columns of Le Figaro: “A very mild winter, so most of the insects did not die”. This observation is confirmed by a researcher at the University of Tours, Eric Darrouzet: “We observe that the size of the colonies is a month ahead,” he told the media.

So what to do to avoid the bite? According to the Health Insurance website, you must:

So that this striped insect does not approach, it is also recommended to:

Finally, the slideshow below shows the plants you can use to repel wasps, according to PositivR.