Violent protests in the USA police shoot innocent bystanders 2500 national guardsmen mustered in
Violent protests in the USA police shoot innocent bystanders 2500 national guardsmen mustered in

Violent protests in the USA, + + + police shoot innocent bystanders +++ 2500 national guardsmen aufgebotenNach the death of an African-American during a police operation in the whole of America to riots. Keep track of the development in the Ticker. LIVE0 comments

led to The most Important points in brief

The death of the African-American George Floyd in the United States violent protests. In 25 cities starting to apply the lock.Around 2500 of the total of up to 10’000 national guardsmen were mustered in.In the case of the protests, a protester and a security official are killed.President Trump referred to the protesters as criminals and threatened with the “unlimited Power of the military”.LIVE TICKER starting position on Sunday morning

After the death of the African-American George Floyd in a brutal police operation in the Minneapolis riots in U.S. cities will take in the fifth night in a row, attached.

After the death of a Black man during a police operation in Minneapolis, the Situation escalated. Video: Tamedia

In Minneapolis, in the state of Minnesota protesters continued in the night to Sunday on a curfew time. The transmitter CNN reported that security forces had pushed back protesters with tear gas. In many other cities, there were riots and looting also, as CNN reported. Authorities in a total of 25 cities in 16 U.S. States had adopted the lock output. Nevertheless, there was widespread protests.

Floyd (46) died on Monday after a brutal police action. One of the four police officers involved was charged on Friday with murder and detained: the officers, the Floyd had pressed his knee in the back of the neck. The African Americans had repeatedly begged for help before he lost consciousness, as passers-by recorded Videos showed.

hackers take police Website from the Web Hacker collective Anonymous is apparently active again. This Time, it has the police Department in Minneapolis in the visor. Video: Twitter, Reuters, and employees of rubber bullets

injured In the protests against racism in Minneapolis have been injured, on Saturday evening, two employees of the Reuters news Agency by rubber bullets of the police. The incident occurred when the police shortly after the entry into force of the curfew at 20.00 against some 500 protesters with rubber bullets and tear gas advanced. Footage of the Reuters cameraman Julio-Cesar Chavez show, like a police officer aims directly at him. “A police officer, I was just about to movies, turns around, aims his rubber bullet gun directly at me,” said Chavez. Minutes later, Chavez and the Reuters-security consultant Rodney Seward of rubber have been taken shot, as you want to go at a gas station for cover.

On the movie recording of the camera man, which ran during the escape of two more, you hear several shots. Seward screams: “A rubber bullet hit me in the face.” In a later recording of Seward is to see how he is a medic on site treats. Under his left eye, a deep wound gapes. Chavez was hit in the Neck. Both men have injuries on the arms. The Reuters employees were clear to see as representatives of the press. Chavez was wearing a camera and his press card around his neck. Seward had on a bullet-proof vest with the words press.

A spokesman for the police Directorate of Minneapolis, was asked about the incident, requested a copy of the TV recording and did otherwise not.

police firing on innocent bystanders

Minneapolis police officers to people who were on a front porch mobile phone footage, shot with rubber bullet. The documented in a Video that is circulating currently on Twitter. Accordingly, at least one Person was hit.

use of the “unlimited Power of the military”

Because of riots in many cities of the US President Donald Trump to the local authorities with the use of the “unlimited Power of the military” has threatened. Governors and mayors would have to approach “a lot harder”, or else the government will intervene, he threatened on Saturday via Twitter. The government was willing to do what is necessary to get the situation under control. Then it will be “many arrests,” he threatened over Twitter during a flight in the state of Florida.

Trump had already declared a short time before, he had offered to the state of Minnesota because of the violent protests with the help of the armed forces. The soldiers might be available, and could be “very quickly” on the spot, said Trump on Saturday in the garden of the White house.

national guard stalled at 2500 soldiers

the chief of The national guard of the state of Minnesota General Jon Jensen told CNN that 2500 national guardsmen were offered. Previously, the talk was of 1700 soldiers.

Trump offered to the Governor of the state of Minnesota, the military counter-demonstrators to use. Members of the national guard in front of a burned building in Minneapolis.Photo: Stephen Mature/

Eight of the States national guard challenge

While in the all over the country the protests after the death of George Floyd go on, have enabled the following States and the District of Columbia, the national guard, or at least be invited to assist the local authorities:

MinnesotaGeorgiaOhioColoradoWisconsinkentuckyutahtexasdistrict of Columbia trump makes radical left-wing groups

U.S. President Donald Trump has made a radical left-wing groups for the riots in American cities after the death of a Black man in Minneapolis, responsible. “The violence and the vandalism referred to by the Antifa and other violent groups of the left wing,” said Trump on Saturday evening after the launch of U.S. astronauts from the space station at Cape Canaveral. “The left radicals, Criminals, criminals and others in our country and in the world will not be allowed to put our communities on fire.”

photo: Keystone

In these cities, there were protests

In dozens of cities in the United States was protested last night against police violence and racism. The CNN has created a list with States and cities, where demonstrators gathered.

California: Los Angeles, Bakersfield, Sacramento, San Jose, Oakland, San Francisco Colorado: Denver Georgia: Atlanta Illinois: Chicago Iowa: Des moin Indiana: Indianapolis, Fort Wayne Kentucky: Louisville, Bowling green Louisiana: New Orleans Nebraska: LincolnNew York: New York city, Massachusetts: Boston Michigan: Detroit Minnesota: Minneapolis, St. Paul Missouri: Kansas city Nevada: Las Vegas North Carolina: Charlotte Ohio: Columbus, Cincinnati, Canton, Oregon: Portland Tennessee: Memphis Texas: Dallas, Houston Virginia: Richmond Washington: Seattle Wisconsin: Milwaukee, Washington, DCBeginn of the screen


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