Violation of sanctions Huawei chief financial officer should have made transactions with Iran
Violation of sanctions Huawei chief financial officer should have made transactions with Iran

Of those arrested, is chief financial officer of the Chinese Tech company Huawei, Meng Wanzhou, is accused of fraud. American investigators accused the Manager of a company called Skycom business with Iran and sanctions law has been made, said a lawyer for the canadian office of the public Prosecutor on Friday at a hearing in Vancouver. The United States are calling for the extradition of Meng. You should have obscured the relationship between Huawei and Skycom.

The Huawei Manager, who is also the daughter of company founder Ren Zhengfei, was arrested last Saturday at the behest of the American authorities in Canada. The specific allegations against them were, as yet, unclear, because there was a lock-in Information. This was, however, revoked in the meantime.

At the hearing, will be negotiated, if Meng can come out on bail. The representative of the canadian government urged to discard Mengs application for their release on bail. The group Manager threatened more than 30 years in prison, he said.