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Fifty Shades of Restrictions. Between travel restrictions, confinements and curfews, France has experienced its share of health measures since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. On October 17, 2020, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron announced to twenty million French men and women that they will be ordered to return home before 9 p.m., and not to leave before six in the morning.

The curfew, initially introduced to avoid a national reconfinement, is finally applied to the whole country and accompanied by a two-month confinement.

Midnight for Christmas, 6 p.m. in January then 11 p.m. in June… The curfew has experienced more than one turnaround. Today, there is no longer any question of setting up such a restriction… However, the figures are similar – even more worrying.

In its latest epidemiological report, the National Public Health Agency notes a “marked increase in the incidence rate throughout the territory” as well as an “increase in the incidence rate, particularly among those under 20 and 30-49 year olds. In addition, there is a stabilization of hospital indicators at the national level with regional disparities.

What is the epidemic situation in your region, compared to that of October 2020, when a curfew and confinement were introduced? We take stock in our slideshow below. The figures provided are based on data from GĂ©odes – Public Health France as of October 17, 2020 and September 19, 2022.

Note: since the end of the state of health emergency, pronounced on July 31, it is no longer possible for the government to put in place neither confinement nor curfew.