Vandalism anti racist splashed in Columbus
Vandalism anti racist splashed in Columbus

Javier AnsorenaSEGUIRCorresponsal in New York Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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The cocktail of indignation, protests, anti-racism and vandalism has splashed one of the enemy’s favorite historical revisionism: Christopher Columbus . The admiral did not put your foot on the present territory of the united states in any of his trips to America. He died in 1506, 113 years before the first ship with black slaves will arrive to the then british colony of Jamestown, Virginia. But his figure has been caught up in the wave of destruction against symbols of racism in the US , such as the monuments to the leaders of the Confederation of the southern states, which went to war against the North to keep slavery of the black population. In many cities, the statues of military southerners have been removed by the authorities.

In just one night, two statues of Columbus have been vandalized. In Richmond (Virginia) a monument in Byrd Park, a park in the centre of the city, was torn down, defaced with spray, burned and finally thrown into a lake. It happened after a protest “peacefully” Tuesday night in support of indigenous peoples in which one of the f otógrafos of WWBT , a NBC affiliate, out attacked, as said the chain. Authorities removed the statue from the water yesterday morning.

Statue decapitated

In Boston , another statue of Columbus appeared yesterday on its pedestal, but decapitated. The police recovered the head of the image, which had already filmed in another similar incident in 2006 and had also been vandalized with graffiti of “Black Lives Matter” – “the lives of black people matter” , the movement against police abuse to the minority – in 2015.

“don’t you agree any vandalism in the city of Boston, and this has to stop,” said the mayor of the city, the democratic Marty Walsh , although after you said that, “given the conversations that no doubt are having in our city and across the country, we’re going to take time to evaluate the historical meaning of the statue “, that takes you from 1979 in a park with the name also of Columbus.

for decades, historical revisionism fight to clear the figure of Columbus -in his day, glorified in the U.S., especially by the community italoamericana – parks, streets and squares, and even the abolition of the celebration of the holiday national in its name, October 12, something that has already been approved in many states and cities of the country.