
New Policy for Van and Bus Drivers to Claim Diesel Subsidy

Transport Minister Anthony Loke Siew Fook has announced a new policy for bus and van drivers who have not received their fleet cards yet. These drivers are still eligible for the diesel subsidy under the Subsidised Diesel Regulation System Pilot Project (SKDS).

Loke advised drivers who have not received their fleet cards due to last-minute applications to keep their fuel receipts. This will allow them to claim compensation from the government later. The Finance Ministry will soon announce a “cash rebate or refund mechanism” for these drivers.

The Transport Minister emphasized the importance of understanding the government’s decision to float diesel prices. He mentioned that the government incurred losses worth billions of ringgit due to smuggling, leading to the implementation of this policy. Diesel prices have increased to RM3.35 per litre from RM2.15 last year, following an announcement by Finance Minister II Datuk Amir Hamzah Azizan.

Sabah and Sarawak, however, continue to maintain their diesel prices at RM2.15. Loke highlighted the government’s efforts to combat fuel smuggling and ensure fair pricing for all drivers.