resim 157
resim 157

The Italian municipality of Lignano issues an “anti-bikini ordinance”. There is a risk of penalties of up to 500 euros.

Authorities in Lignano, a popular seaside resort in the Veneto region, are fed up with tourists traveling too scantily off the beach. After several complaints from local residents in recent summer seasons, according to the “Kleine Zeitung”, the municipality is now planning an ordinance that prohibits the wearing of swimwear outside of the beach and beach promenade.

According to information from the “Kleine Zeitung”, the so-called “anti-bikini regulation” will be passed next Monday and applies to all people older than twelve years. Implementation of the regulation is expected to begin from May 5th.

Men should wear a T-shirt in addition to shorts, while women must wear appropriate outerwear in addition to a bikini and swimsuit. Anyone who violates this regulation must expect a fine of 25 euros; for repeat offenders, the fine can even rise to up to 500 euros.

However, the new regulation extends not only to public areas, but also to private outdoor areas that are publicly visible, such as balconies and gardens that are not opaque. People seen naked there can also be punished. Similar rules already apply in other Italian seaside resorts such as Grado and Trieste. Such a regulation is discussed annually in Jesolo.

While tourists in Italy attract attention because of their inappropriate clothing style, Brits recently caused trouble not because of their swimming trunks and bikinis, but because of their drinking behavior. Because in 25 minutes they destroyed the entire alcohol supply on board a holiday plane.

A man orders a pizza to take away in Rimsting in Bavaria, but wants to eat it in the pizzeria. The innkeeper asks him to leave. What happens next is incredible.

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