Unrest in the United States Democrats will kneel down and in front of the police act
Unrest in the United States Democrats will kneel down and in front of the police act

Unrest in the United States – Democrats will kneel down and make the police act vorIn the U.S. is going to continue the protests against racism and police violence. Meanwhile, Joe is attacking Biden, Donald Trump – whose poll numbers drop to 38 percent.oli/sda3 Kommentare3″police violence reflects a deep-rooted System of racial injustice in America,” said Nancy Pelosi during a press conference. (8. June 2020)photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

The Democrats in Congress have introduced on Monday a draft law against police brutality. The design see, among other things, an easier prosecution when police failed behavior, said the Chairman of the house of representatives, Nancy Pelosi, at a press conference on Monday in Congress. Police violence should be combated in addition, for example through the increased use of body cameras. Controversial police methods, such as the bars be increased in the case of fixed prohibited.

Pelosi said, police violence reflected “a deep-rooted System of racial injustice in America”. The bill, however, was only a first step. The need for a structural change. Pelosi spoke of a “martyrdom” Floyd’s and other victims of police violence. The prospects of Success of the draft law are unclear: The Democrats control the house of representatives, the Senate, however, was dominated by the Republicans of the US President, Donald Trump.

The Congresswoman Karen Bass expressed confidence, however, that the draft becomes the law. The Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus – an Association of African-American member of Parliament – established the among other things, with the protests that have spread far beyond the borders of the United States. “The world will witness the birth of a new movement in our country,” said Bass. She stressed, with a view to the police: “A profession in which you kill the Power, should be a professional, well-trained civil servants, requires that the Public be accountable to.”

Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer knees together with congressional Democrats, in honor of the killed George Floyd low. (8. June 2020)photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

The minority leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, said that perhaps Republicans rise your voice against police violence, because they hoped that the issue disappear again. “I promise you: it won’t.” Schumer called on the majority leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell to a debate in the Parliament chamber, to allow.

funeral on Tuesday

a Good two weeks after his death in a brutal police operation to the African-American George Floyd will be buried this Tuesday in Pearland in Houston. Accompanied the private ceremony of a public memorial in the Texas metropolis of Houston, where Floyd grew up to be.

The 46-Year-old was in a police operation on 25. May in Minneapolis was killed. Since then, the country it is far to mass protests against racism and police violence, the US President Donald Trump under pressure.

Floyd’s coffin is brought to the Church in Houston, where he will be buried on Tuesday in beige. (8. June 2020)Photo. Joe Raedle/

The designated presidential candidate of the U.S. Democrats, Ex-Vice President Joe Biden, has accused the Republicans Trump a number of times to divide the country, instead of to a. Biden wanted to meet on Monday in Houston, members of Floyd to a conversation, as several US media unanimously reported.

Trump wanted to come together in the White house with representatives of safety authorities. According to the White house-spread program, the appointment should not be open to the public. Trump competes in the presidential election in November to a second term.

approval for the Trump is still at 38 percent

In a released Monday the survey on behalf of the broadcaster CNN, trump’s Approval ratings were only at 38 percent, seven points lower than last month. The choice now would be, would the survey, 55 percent for Biden votes in favour and only 41 percent for Trump. In the past month, Biden had a lead of only five points.

Because of the complicated electoral system in the United States such a survey, however, have limited explanatory power in terms of the actual outcome of the election. Trump wrote on Twitter, the CNN data were so wrong as the coverage of the transmitter.

Trump accused the Democrats on Monday, the police authorities in the country to cancel the funding, and to want the police “” to abolish. The President wrote in big letters on Twitter: “law and order”. He added: “The radical left Democrats have gone crazy!” The Democrats would “destroy America”.

Trump has condemned Floyd’s death several times, and the right to peaceful demonstrations, and stresses. He is, however, not be accused to have a clear position against racism and did not show enough understanding for the anger about discrimination and injustice in the country. The ongoing protests, he has commented on so far, especially from the point of view of safety.

U.S. media have reported, will come together, Biden to a private conversation with members of Floyd’s. He’ll also record a video message for Floyd’s funeral. The Ex-Vice President but I will not participate on Tuesday even in the ceremony. He did not want to disrupt the funeral by additional safety precautions that would be in his presence necessary, reported, among other things, the “New York Times” and the news channel CNN.

“Black lives matter”: In Houston, the funeral of George Floyd will be prepared. (8. June 2020)photo by Joe Raedle/

For the designated presidential candidate of the Democrats, the Trip to Texas is the first major domestic trip since the escalation of the Coronavirus pandemic in March. Biden has spoken out since Floyd’s death already several times against the “systematic racism” and the persistent inequality in the United States.

tens of thousands on the streets

In U.S. cities to demonstrate went on the weekend tens of thousands to the streets against police violence, racism and inequality. In Washington, the former Republican presidential candidate and current Senator Mitt Romney under the Motto “Black Lives Matter” (Black’s life demonstrated on Sunday to count), as he wrote on Twitter. Prominent Republicans were present at the protests so far is more of a rarity. Trump mocked Romney because of his participation.

Floyd was on 25. May have died in a brutal arrest in Minneapolis in the state of Minnesota. A white police officer had pressed his knee almost nine minutes in the back of the neck of the lying on the floor Floyd – in spite of all the entreaties of the 46-Year-old, for him to breathe. Floyd had been arrested because of suspicion to have a fake 20-Dollar bill in paid, fixed.

In Minneapolis, now wants to replace a majority of the city Council according to Reports, the local police through a new organization for public safety. In its current statement, the Minneapolis Police Department was no longer reformable, declared nine of the twelve city councils according to the local station KTSP.

There is still no exact Plan for the new organizational form, it was called. The resolution of the authority, is likely to be a “long and complicated battle,” wrote the local newspaper “Star Tribune”.

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