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(London) The British television channel GB News, a privileged relay for the populist right under several investigations by the media regulator, fired a host on Wednesday after misogynistic comments.

Last week, Laurence Fox, a former actor turned politician, attracted strong criticism for sexist remarks against a political journalist from another media outlet.

So on the air, he notably asked “who would want to fuck her? », sparking more than 8,800 reports to the media regulator, Ofcom.

Initially suspended and despite an apology, Laurence Fox was finally fired, the channel announced in a press release.

Presenter Dan Wootton, who hosted the show in which Laurence Fox made his sexist comment, was suspended. The investigation into him is still ongoing, GB News said.

Another speaker on the channel, Calvin Robinson, who hosts a religious program, was also fired on Wednesday for expressing his support for Dan Wootton on social networks.

Laurence Fox was also arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of conspiring to vandalize cameras used to monitor compliance with the tax on polluting vehicles in Greater London.

On the BBC, GB News boss Angelos Frangopoulos said he was “horrified” by Laurence Fox’s comments, believing that they did not respect the channel’s values.

The affair has reignited strong criticism aimed at GB News.

Launched in 2021, the channel presents itself as the freedom of expression channel that “does not turn a blind eye to controversial topics”. It has enjoyed some success, with some of its flagship programs regularly competing with the 24-hour news channels Sky News and BBC News.

The far-right Europhobe Nigel Farage also hosts a program there and the interview of the very right-wing Minister of the Interior Suella Braverman by the MP, also very right-wing, Lee Anderson, has sparked criticism in the profession .

“How long can a channel claim to be “the place of free expression” when it continues to engage in “cancel culture”? », reacted Twitter Calvin Robinson after the announcement of his ouster.