Unemployment in the united States falls to 111 for the desescalada in June although still at a record
Unemployment in the united States falls to 111 for the desescalada in June although still at a record

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The unemployment rate of the united States has experienced a decrease of more than two percentage points in June , to stand at 11.1%, after that the job market registered its worst historical fact in April, according to figures released this Thursday by the bureau of labor statistics of the u.s. Department of Labor.

despite the fact that the situation generated by the Covid-19 yet not faded completely in the sixth month of the year, the gradual opening up of the economy resulted in the creation of 4.8 million jobs in June, following the 2.7 million may . In April, the pandemic destroyed hit 20.8 million jobs.

Despite the improvement in the last two months, l a rate of unemployment still at historic highs . In October 2009, the peak of the global financial crisis that began in 2008, the unemployment rate of the united States reached 10%, while the historic maximum until this year was in December 1982, when it reached 10.8%. In this way, the unemployment rate is still located at levels unprecedented since records began in 1948.

The ‘shock’ of march and April has been so severe that the level of employed persons in June still stands at minimum from 2014 . The worst month for employment after the crisis of 2008 and before the coronavirus took place in march of 2009, when it was destroyed to 800,000 jobs.

227.000 long-term unemployed more

The number of long-term unemployed, those who have remained unemployed for at least 27 weeks, s e has risen to 1,391 million people, which equates to an increase of 227.000 unemployed . Their weight with respect to the total number of unemployed has grown by more than two percentage points, to 7.9%.

On its side, the total number of persons in unemployment has been 17,75 million, so that came down in 3,235 million unemployed in June. For its part, the participation rate in the labor market grew at seven-tenths, up to 61.5%. With regard to may, the active population grew by 1.7 million people.

For groups of workers, the unemployment rate among women has been reduced to 11.7%, almost three points less , while that among men dropped horn to 10.6%, which is equivalent to one and a half percentage points less. The unemployment among young people has fallen to 23.2%, from 29.9% for the month of may.

In the sixth month of the year, the number of employees in the tourism and leisure has increased in 2,088 million people , while the retail trade hired 739.800 people and the health sector hired 474.900 people.

2.8 million jobs lost in April

The length of the working week average has declined by two-tenths, up to 34.5 hours in June . At the same time, the average earnings per hour fell by 35 cents from the previous month, up to 29,37 dollars.

Likewise, the Department of Labor has reported that the number of jobs lost during the month of April has been revised upwards to 2.8 million people (100,000 more) , while the data may have been adjusted up to 2.7 million jobs were created (90,000 more).