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On Thursday there was a large-scale operation by the police and fire brigade at the accident clinic in Murnau. Apparently several people came into contact with a white powder and the clinic was then sealed off. It is now clear what substance it was.

According to police, the substance that triggered a major police operation at the Murnau accident clinic in Upper Bavaria on Thursday was sodium azide. If ingested, “even small amounts can lead to death,” said the clinic’s medical director, Fabian Stuby.

A 47-year-old was admitted to the clinic after collapsing at a Penzberg vocational school. According to police, he had a bottle with a “white, powder-like substance.” Because it was initially unclear what it was, a task force from the Munich fire department was called in to examine the substance.

The police assume that the man, who was himself a student at the nursing school, “used the place to end his life,” said operations manager Andreas Nieß.

A few other students from the vocational school class showed symptoms such as respiratory irritation, and two were taken to the hospital with mild symptoms. However, according to police reports, they were not in danger. According to medical director Stuby, no hospital employee showed any symptoms.

There was no danger to the population and there was never a danger to patients, the Upper Bavaria South police headquarters told the “Münchner Merkur”. All people who came into contact with the man are currently receiving medical attention. Both hospital employees and emergency services employees showed no symptoms.

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