
Two Construction Workers Fatally Shot on Dadaab-Garissa Road

Mystery surrounds the tragic shooting of two construction workers at a dispensary under construction in Dadaab, Garissa County. The incident occurred on Friday night and is currently under investigation by the police. The victims, who were non-locals, were believed to have been targeted by al-Shabaab terrorists operating in the area.

The workers had just finished their day’s work and were resting in their houses when they were ambushed by gunmen at Bogyar trading Centre along the Dadaab-Garissa road. The police are still trying to determine the motive behind the attack. The bodies of the deceased have been taken to the mortuary for autopsy and further investigations.

This tragic event highlights the ongoing security challenges faced by the area near the Kenya-Somalia border. The government has been increasing its operations to combat the terrorist activities in the region. Additional equipment has been acquired to bolster the police operations in the area.

The proximity to the Kenya-Somalia border has made the region a target for al-Shabaab attacks, resulting in numerous casualties. The recent surge in attacks has prompted the government to halt plans to reopen the Kenya-Somalia border. The lack of a stable government in Somalia has made it difficult to address these security threats effectively.