TV review Anne Will the hour of The backbenchers
TV review Anne Will the hour of The backbenchers

failed As in the past week, Theresa May only crashing, to get to the next day, only tactical trust, has described a British observer the Status of pointedly: What to visit, is as rare as a unicorn, the comet Halleys a blue moon ride. Insanity, that Tory Prime Minister David Cameron set to luck and direct democracy, even more insane, that you have taken in the Referendum, such a close result. As the recent history called for a Conciliator, UK, with Theresa May, the opposite. May have its comfortable majority in Parliament, to make, after only narrowly winning the election of the turmoil, the people of the Northern Irish DUP-dependent, instead of the unpleasant, condescending nature of the British national to deal with the Irish. As a counter-player, you treffr to Jeremy Corbyn, the refuse to to lead the Opposition. Brussels to negotiate carefully with the stubbornness that had led to the close result of the referendum: a clash between British pragmatism and continental ideology. The United Kingdom have a Constitution, for good reasons, until today, no written. The Deal with May was a failure, owe the hubris that there is to him no Alternative – with the result that one is now faced with the choice between plague and Cholera.

A Drama as king Lear! No one else in sight, stepping from the role and the player. That all the world now sets its hope on the House of Commons and its Speaker, is one of the ironies of this Parliament-thrillers. This is the starting point for Anne.

British Humor

Greg Hands, married to a German woman, used to work for the Tory Deputy Whip in Parliament, is someone who knows the set screws of organizing political majorities and dominated. This evening he keeps his sheet covered. May could enforce a Plan B, if some of the conservative party of friends to revise their attitude. You need the votes of the DUP and, of course, a large number of Labour members. Your Handicap: the draft Treaty with the EU for the United Kingdom to unfavorable. “If you can’t find a seat at the table, you are on the menu,” says Hands. This is the dry British Humor, to the you long for in this country.

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Kate Connolly is a correspondent of the Guardian and the Observer in Berlin. In 2017, it has adopted the German nationality, the British but not abandoned. You doubt a success in the negotiations Mays. Hands optimism. In the Parliament there is a lack of willingness to compromise. The reason for this is that consensus in the British Parliament, was quite unusual. The time course of all of it. Some of the admired May for their stubbornness. The protagonists of the Brexit referendum had all disappeared from the political stage.

do you Want the total Brexit?

Norbert Röttgen, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Bundestag, is hoping that the Parliament considers the decision by it bypasses the two party leaders. It comes on Monday to a star-hour of the parliamentary system, or even to a new Referendum with the question: do you Want the total Brexit?

Sahra wagenknecht. The British vote is turning against the EU in its present Constitution. Why had decreased the Reputation of the EU in the public opinion? Your lecture is roughly: In the EU, the free movement of capital on the count alone. The President of the Commission was a bodyguard of tax evaders. Europe do with deterrence contracts even less popular than it was already.