Trump Corona G7 Video Unlock Trump probably thinks is necessary Merkel reserved responding policy
Trump Corona G7 Video Unlock Trump probably thinks is necessary Merkel reserved responding policy

To meet the representatives of the richest industrial Nations, in spite of Corona personally? Trump thinks it’s a good idea – Angela Merkel reacts reserved.

Because of the Corona-pandemic* worldwide, cancelled major events. Also, the G7 in the United States was planned as a video unlock – as a protective action . U.S. President Donald Trump* does not seem to care – he dashes.

Washington – Although the United States are taken from the Corona-pandemic* seriously, trying, US President, Donald Trump for weeks, to spread Confidence. Now he is considering even the upcoming G7 as a real Meeting and not by video switch to hold.

Trump tweeted, as the country of the Corona-crisis* having a rest, think he is about to host the meeting at the originally scheduled appointment or on a “similar date” in the Camp David , the country residence of the U.S. President* ,. This would be a “great Signal of the normalization,” he said. The other countries started their Comeback. Chancellor Angela Merkel* (CDU) expressed demure to Trumps* advance.

Real G7 summit, in spite of Corona? Macron and Trudeau for idea open

The US government had canceled in March for mid-June in the United States planned summit meeting of the seven leading industrial Nations because of the Coronavirus pandemic, and instead, a video conference scheduled. The summit, to have the original plans from the 10. to 12. June will take place in Camp David. What exactly is now from the meeting, according to trump’s Tweet in the open.

The US President’s 2020 host of the G7 summit and was able to select the place. To belong to the “group of Seven” in addition to the USA, Germany, France, great Britain, Italy, Canada and Japan. As the evening from the circles of the Parisian Élyséepalastes said, is to travel the President of France, Emmanuel Macron* willing to Camp David, if the health conditions allowed. In the circles of the “importance of the G7 has been highlighted in the response to the crisis”. Also Canada’s Premier Justin Trudeau was open to a discussion about a personal Meeting in the United States.

In Corona pandemic Trump personally meet? Merkel: “I will definitely…”

Angela Merkel left open the question of whether you’d accept an invitation Trumps a real G7 Meetings in a few weeks. In whatever Form this Meeting takes place, “whether as a video conference or otherwise, I will definitely fight for the multilateralism . This is quite clear. Both the G7 as well as G20,“ said Merkel in Berlin.

On demand, if you would travel at the invitation Trumps to a Meeting of the G7 in the USA, said Merkel: “I wanted to say what I said. The More we just wait and see time. I chose my words Carefully.“

in Spite of the Corona real is a Camp David meeting – would this be possible?

According to the White house, Trump raised the issue on Wednesday in a telephone conversation with the French President, Emmanuel Macron. Trump made it clear that he is looking forward to an early meeting of the G7, it said.

so Far, strict travel restrictions* between the United States and Europe, which raises questions about the feasibility of a soon-to-be personal summit, however, apply. Anyway, summit meetings like the G7 is a huge logistical nightmare. Whether it would be possible to make in such a short time now, but a personal gathering of large delegations from the G7 countries on the legs, find the observer, is highly questionable.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.