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Thursday is Corpus Christi, a public holiday in six federal states. The bridge day that follows prompts some families to take a short vacation. In addition, the Pentecost holidaymakers are returning at the same time. Chaos on German roads is inevitable.

Corpus Christi is just around the corner and with it a long weekend that many people use for a short vacation. The ADAC warns of significantly increased traffic volumes in eight German federal states as well as on the roads in Austria and Switzerland. Increased traffic volumes are expected, especially in North Rhine-Westphalia, as many people use the May 30th holiday for a short vacation. Anyone traveling on highways should be prepared for additional minutes in traffic jams.

Traffic experts expect that the streets will be full on Wednesday afternoon as some holidaymakers start their short trip at that time. Others wait for the holiday and don’t start their vacation until Thursday. But not just holidaymakers, but all travelers have to prepare for heavier traffic.

The metropolitan areas and highways in and around Stuttgart, Cologne, Frankfurt and Munich are particularly affected by the increase in traffic. There are also the motorways towards the North and Baltic Seas. The traffic chaos is expected to peak on Saturday, June 1st. Then many Whitsun vacationers return and the school holidays end in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg.

According to ADAC, these routes will be particularly affected (both directions):

Sunday will probably offer similar scenes when the short vacationers head home again. Disabilities are to be expected, especially in southern Germany and at the junctions. There may be longer waiting times, particularly at the Bavarian border crossings of Suben, Walserberg and Kiefersfelden.

Corpus Christi also has an impact on traffic in Germany’s neighboring countries, as Corpus Christi is an official holiday in both Austria and Switzerland. Heavy traffic volumes are to be expected not only on the German motorways, but also on the Brenner, Inntal, Tauern, Pyhrn and Rheintal motorways as well as on the Swiss Gotthard route.

If you have the opportunity, you should avoid peak times and, if necessary, consider alternative routes. As the holiday season comes to an end, it is a good idea to choose your route home consciously in order to avoid the predicted traffic flows.

It is advisable to plan the coming days carefully and take the tips mentioned to heart in order to start or return from your vacation in a relaxed manner. If you avoid the routes mentioned above or at least plan your travel times wisely, you can save a lot of time and stress.