Trade unions are set up well beyond Skeyes agreement for the time being no actions at Zaventem airport
Trade unions are set up well beyond Skeyes agreement for the time being no actions at Zaventem airport

After months of discussions and actions, and threatened actions, there is an agreement on a new working arrangement with Skeyes. You will work with the air traffic controllers of brussels, known as the man who has been working down, when the holiday rush begins. The trade unions propose to do, now that the agreement is: “for the time being, there is no need for measures to be taken.”

at The brussels national airport at Zaventem will be consumed hostage by the friction with the air traffic controllers of the Skeyes, in order to ensure that aircraft are safely landing and take-off. The tension came through in the discussions on the fatigue management . Or, how hard the shifts of air traffic controllers, so as to enable the air traffic safe and secure? Europe, which is more codified, and as of January 1 next year, in a tight scheduling requirements.

Suddenly called up:

The board of directors of Skeyes had to submit a proposal on the table. A constant stumbling block and it was the rule that an air traffic controller, in exceptional cases (such as when the service is understaffed as it was, for instance, twice a year, completely unexpectedly and could not be accessed. This sudden mission was to come before or after an already scheduled shift. Or, the controller could be a voice call, “in which the person was required to take. In return, they would be a significant contribution of 1,500 euros to get in.

now, That plan was to be a thorn in the side of the unions and the air traffic controllers. “People who control far too serious in their personal lives,” says Bart Neyens, of the socialist trade union ACOD. “Because you never know when that phone call comes in, you are, as it were, is constantly being held hostage. Even though it may be, but twice a year, and all of a sudden being called out, yet you are, as it were, all the year round, at your inconvenience. Even a premium of up to £ 1,500 by an unexpected call to compensate for that agitation is not.”

now, Neyens said that the new working arrangement now, nevertheless, it has been approved. It is not only because of the unexpected, the calls have been dropped, but also because there are a lot of positive elements to the air traffic controllers. For example, they will have their desire – which is on weekends, she would prefer not to work, what nights they’re free, want to have to pass, before the table has been drawn up.

The new agreement on Wednesday finally signed off by the board of directors and of the socialist and liberal trade unions. It is christian in ITS continued. The union is pleased that the controversial the sudden call, command is used. However, the union does not agree with the policy that employees are only two weeks in advance of their working arrangement to get it. In the past, that was two months old.


Even though the CSC does not agree with the entire text, but it’s possible that the traveler is to be reassuring: “Actions are right to the right.” Also, Neyens, of the socialist trade union ACOD is reassuring: “There are still some topics of discussion, but for the time being, there is no stakingsaanzeggingen.”

the Skeyes to the CEO, Johan Decuyper, it hopes that the agreement, “the vicious circle of mistrust” with the company and finally break through.
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