Trade dispute China consists of Auto punitive tariffs against America
Trade dispute China consists of Auto punitive tariffs against America

China’s trade dispute with America, a step on the United States: The country from continuing its additional duties for the American auto industry temporarily. The import duty will 1. January at from 40 back to 15 percent, announced the Ministry of Commerce on Friday in Beijing. The decision is made in view of the 90-day “truce” in the trade dispute, the America’s President, Donald Trump and China’s state and party chief Xi Jinping on 1. December had agreed in Buenos Aires.

1. January would be cancelled for the first three months of the 25 percent duty on 144 American car and vehicle parts. In addition, five percent were for other 67 kinds of car parts on a provisional basis. Beijing had raised the duties on car parts before drastically. China responded at the time, the United States, which had imposed punitive tariffs on Chinese Goods to the value of $ 50 billion (44.3 billion euros).

A “concrete measure”

at the beginning of December, the government in Beijing had announced that it would implement “effective immediately,” trade facilitation in America. China’s head of state Xi Jinping and America President Donald Trump had agreed on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires on a fire break in your trade conflict. At a dinner, they agreed, for the time being, the new criminal threatened to abandon duties. America, put China at the same time, a period of 90 days, his demand for the removal of trade barriers to comply with.

the suspension of The punitive tariffs on cars was a “concrete measure” to the ceasefire and to implement, said on Friday in Beijing. Is overshadowed the relaxation in the trade dispute by the arrest of the Chinese Manager and chief financial officer of Huawei Meng Wanzhou in Canada to Operate in America. She was now set against the payment of a million bail and under strict conditions.