Totally unacceptable Merz calls for a shift in German economic policy
Totally unacceptable Merz calls for a shift in German economic policy

The unsuccessful CDU-presidency candidate, Friedrich Merz, calling for a shift in German economic policy. “Globalisation has, without doubt, also have a darker side. But as a result, the benefits far outweigh that,“ said Merz on Friday at the Ludwig-Erhard-summit to be held in Kreuth at the Tegernsee. Germany needs to use its potentials in the development of its national economy with the globalisation and digitalisation better.

On Thursday, it was reported that Merz is scheduled to work as a member of the CDU circle of experts to a social market economy, and also on the new basic programme of the party. The party wants to adopt this 2020, the current policy dates back to 2007.

“in addition to the preservation of our political freedoms, it is a matter that we, as Europeans, to keep pace with the modern development of the world in the digital age,” says Merz. About the digital infrastructure in Europe and in Germany in particular needed to be improved. The current Situation in Germany was “completely unacceptable”. In addition, the Federal government must end the Blockade of private investment in the transport infrastructure.