To stop speeders a carpenter because of speed cameras dummy in court
To stop speeders a carpenter because of speed cameras dummy in court

because of an assumption of authority the accused, a carpenter, who wanted to enforce a self-made cameras-dummy in his Cologne’s district of Tempo, 30, has come before the court unscathed. His behavior arouse sympathy, but still remain a punishable offence, said the Magistrate in Cologne on Monday. They turned the procedure without any pads, because the defendant did not apparently know that his act was forbidden and because he wanted to harm anyone.

A motorist had displayed the thirty-six years in April because of an assumption of authority. The man had placed the camera dummy on his house. In court, the defendant admitted that he had assembled the mock-up on a Saturday afternoon in the year 2015, with its now nine-and eleven-year-old children. “My children were afraid to go across the street,” said the man before the court. “I thought to myself: I will be with my children but a lovely craft afternoon.”

prior to this, he had on several occasions asked the city and police speed checks, also because nearby there is a Kindergarten, a school and a recreation area. “I wanted to call the people to the consciousness that here the speed limit is 30,” says the defendant. “My goal acts was not to be, undermined.”