To Brexit reactions vote The time is almost up
To Brexit reactions vote The time is almost up

European Council President Donald Tusk has expressed regret for the Failure of the Brexit Treaty in the British house of Commons. “If a Deal is impossible, and no one is a No-Deal, who will have the courage to say, as the only positive solution looks like?”, Tusk asked on Tuesday night on Twitter. Thus, the risk of a British EU has grown-leaving without a contract, said Tusk’s spokesman. “We don’t want that to happen, but we will be prepared for that.”

The EU will continue to be closed and responsible approach. It will push in spite of the rejection in the British house of Commons the ratification of the withdrawal agreement. “This agreement is and remains the best and only way to an orderly withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union”, – said the speaker. The British government must now explain as quickly as possible your intentions and next steps.

“This is a bitter day for Europe”

Also EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker regrets the outcome of the vote. The risk of a disorderly EU-exit of the country had increased, he said. You hope to avoid, prepare for, however. The United Kingdom must now make its intentions as soon as possible. “The time is almost up.” The Austrian Prime Minister Sebastian tweeted Shortly meanwhile, there will be “no renegotiation of the exit agreement.”

CDU-Boss Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, has called for a prudent response to the clear rejection of the British Parliament. “We now need to keep a cool head, even if the heart is really difficult today”, said Kramp-Karrenbauer on Tuesday evening at the new year reception of the Parliament’s SME circle (PKM) in Berlin. “We have a fear that it come to a vote. But that it is done with such a clear majority, this is yet again a special Situation,“ she said.