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The adventure is soon coming to an end for our heroines. This Monday, May 29, the last two episodes of Les Randonneuses are broadcast on TF1. Among the actresses ready to climb the peaks, Tiphaine Daviot plays Morgan, a young “observant” and “taiser” cop who has just joined this band of women affected by cancer.

Asked by Planet, the French actress returned to her participation in the series directed by Frédéric Berthe. “I am very happy to participate in this project. In addition, it speaks of sorority, of a friendship between women”, she confides. “It feels good because it’s not such a common topic on TV or in movies.”

For Tiphaine Daviot, like the other actresses of Les Randonneuses, this fiction also touched her from a personal point of view. “We have all known people with cancer,” she assured us before revealing. “I, in particular, lost someone who was very close to me to breast cancer a long time ago. So it’s a subject that raises a lot of awareness.”

In the series, her character is linked to that of Valérie, played by Claire Borotra. The opportunity for the two women, mother and daughter of fiction, to play without knowing each other. “It was our first meeting. We both had to play very strong things without having experienced anything together”, says Tiphaine Daviot. “We had great chemistry. We got along very well with Claire”, as with the other actresses, Clémentine Célarié, Camille Chamoux, Joséphine de Meaux, Alix Poisson and Elsa Lunghini.

As for the atmosphere, the filming allowed our heroines to forge links between them. “There was a good feeling with the whole group, it was very pleasant. We were very close between girls, we wanted to tell the same story”. For the youngest of the group, “it matched well because there was a lot of benevolence. We were rope friends”.

However, the one who almost missed the filming (after contracting covid) recognizes that the scenes at altitude gave her cold sweats. “It was a little scary up there. We arrived in scenery and we often had our breath taken away”, confirms the 30-year-old. Despite the difficulty of the filming conditions, Tiphaine Daviot only has good memories. “Nature is so gigantic, it’s soothing and meditative as a place”. A more pleasant filming in the heights rather than in “Parisian suburbs with two hours of traffic jam in the morning and in the evening”, she smiles with humor.