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A rising figure in fiction. Tiphaine Daviot is one of Randonneuses, the event series broadcast since May 15 on TF1. We follow her adventures with Clémentine Célarié, Joséphine de Meaux, Camille Chamoux and Claire Borotra, ready to reveal an incredible challenge in tribute to their friend who died of cancer, played by Elsa Lunghini.

The youngest of the band, Tiphaine Daviot had no trouble integrating into this beautiful sorority. “We were very close with the girls. We all have really different personalities”, recognizes the young woman for Planet. From laughter to tears, she shows all her facets on screen to viewers. A passion for comedy that has inhabited him since childhood.

“I’ve wanted to do this since I was 5-6 years old. It’s really a vocation of youth”, said Tiphaine Daviot by telephone. “I was the last of my family and I think I had to find my place. So probably to clown. Well after that doesn’t necessarily make your career,” she says, laughing.

Among her idols, Tiphaine Daviot has a particular affection for a monument of the seventh art. “When I was little, it was Louis de Funès for me. He’s the only one who did that in real films. And besides, he’s paid to do that,” she jokes. “It’s great, it’s just incredible. There was something, this aspect of childhood that is too strong about him”. The young woman was also rocked by “the cartoons and humor of Jim Carrey”.

Throughout her career, Tiphaine Daviot has caught the eye of the French through several fictions. Trained at the Enfants Terribles school (2005-2007), she made her theater debut (How the Spirit Comes to Women, at the Café de la Gare) from 2011. Then, the actress made a few appearances at the cinema in Eyjafjallajökull with Dany Boon, in 2013, or L’Ascension with Ahmed Sylla, in 2017.

That same year, Tiphaine Daviot knew the consecration in Les Bigorneaux by Alice Vial, a short film in which she played the main role. Prize for the best young female hope and favorite of the public at the Jean Carmet Festival, the actress and the director were distinguished at the César 2017 for the prize for the best short film. Since then, the actress has chained projects and distinguished herself on television in singular roles. From humor with HP (Canal) and Détox (Netflix) to dramatic and societal fiction with Les Randonneuses on TF1. “I like to tell stories. Make people laugh or cry,” admits the one who was ill before filming the soap opera by Frédéric Berthe.

The filming of Les Randonneuses took place in the spring of 2022. The opportunity for Tiphaine Daviot to discover a breathtaking setting, in the heart of the Auvergne-Rhône Alpes region, in rather special conditions. For good reason, the interpreter of Morgan revealed to us to have been affected by the covid just before leaving for filming.

“I had a hell of a covid that lasted three months. In addition with respiratory problems”. Despite her health concerns, Tiphaine Daviot recovered quickly to climb the peaks. “I was really lucky, it ended shortly before. I really think that the clean air and the altitude, it boosted my cells”, estimates the actress of Randonneuses, whose an episode will be devoted to him on Monday May 29 on TF1.