Donald trump’s former foreign Minister, Rex Tillerson, has drawn in one of his rare public Statements, an unfavorable image of his former bosses. Trump had asked him more often to do things that were illegal, said Tillerson, according to American media reports on a fundraising event in Houston (Texas). First, the “Houston Chronicle had reported” over the Statements.

“Often, the President said: “I want to do and I want to do it this way”,” said Tillerson. “And I have always said, Mr President, I understand what you want, but you can’t make it so. It violated the law,“ continued Tillerson. Trump then reacts at the end of such conversations often frustrated.

in Addition, trust Trump his gut feeling because on reports. In addition, Tillerson, the exchange of Exxon was mobile, his former employer, to the White house a difficult one. It had been hard “to work for a man who is quite undisciplined, reluctant to read, reports of meetings, look at, prefer not to be detailed in facts and circumstances of the decent apps, and instead simply says: “This is what I believe”,” quoted the CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins, the former foreign Minister.

In response to the comments Tillersons referred to Trump his former employee as “dumb as a stone”. On Twitter, the President said: “…Rex Tillerson had the mental abilities for the Job (the Minister of foreign Affairs, d. ed.). He was dumb as a rock and I couldn’t get rid of him fast enough. He was lazy as hell.“ Tillersons successor Mike Pompeo was doing a “great Job,” says Trump.

The descriptions of the former Ölmanagers Tillerson fit into the picture that had drawn several book authors, including the Watergate whistleblower Bob Woodward, of Trump in the White house. Tillerson was fired by Trump after a little more than a year in office – he should have learned during a stay abroad via Twitter.

Tillerson said at the appearance that he had developed during his time as foreign Minister, a clear picture of Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin. Putin is very calculating, and games with “three-dimensional chess”. He wanted the influence of the United States in the world is undermined. On the question of whether Russia had an impact on the presidential elections, responded to Tillerson, “this is unanswerable” and that the intervention of the intelligence services is well documented.