the Nuclear power plant Tihange 2, which is on Sunday the 6th of October and is shut down because of a onderhoudsinterventie to the pump, it will be a longer down time than anticipated. At first it was counting on for two weeks, then bring the reactor up to the 17th of november, no electricity, so notifies the owner, Engie has Received on Friday. It’s going to be a non-scheduled operation in the nuclear section of the plant.
According to a spokesperson for the nuclear watchdog FANC walked up to the temperature of the pump is too high, and it was in the reactor as a precaution, to shut down. The closure would not have an impact on the well-being of the workers, the public, or the environment.
Also, the nuclear reactors doel 1 and 2 don’t. They are under review.
for More on Nuclear power, Tihange 2 are shut down at the Pieter De Crem (CD&V) is angry that a nuclear incident occurred in the Mole-to-let, it was reported, “is Unacceptable” to Maintain nuclear energy in the Flemish negotiation Explosions at a Russian army base, which caused a “short term enhancement” of radioactivity