resim 1963
resim 1963

As May approaches, pollen is making a comeback, but it’s not the only one. Indeed, in recent weeks, the presence of tiger mosquitoes has been increasing on French territory. Originally from Southeast Asia, this pest has invaded the majority of French departments. The best known variety is that of the tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus. Recognizable by its white and black stripes, this insect can transmit a large number of viruses such as dengue, chikungunya or Zika.

Small and silent, this mosquito attacks all profiles. Acting during the day, it is very difficult to spot. The proliferation of this mosquito then worried the French health authorities. Indeed, the National Health Security Agency (ANSES) is already warning of the dangers of this mosquito which is found on all continents. Antarctica is the only area that does not have this variety of mosquito. In addition, given the number of departments affected by the phenomenon in France, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) has announced the measures that will be put in place soon. Find out in our slideshow below if your department is invaded by these insects.

On April 25, 2023, the ARS presented a plan to combat these pests in the Occitanie region. Indeed, the agency evoked a reinforced surveillance of the health authorities concerning the presence of the tiger mosquito from May to November. This plan is broken down into three areas: surveillance of this species and epidemiological surveillance, ie vigilance with the French population regarding diseases transmitted by this mosquito. Finally, raising awareness among residents of the regions most affected by the phenomenon.

It is also possible to consult the quantity present in your department. Indeed, to check the status of each department, ANSES has created a reporting site to find out the intensity of their presence in the territory. The vigilance-mosquito site then lists the departments according to the level of vigilance. Going from yellow to black, the site now counts 78 departments in orange or red vigilance.

See our slideshow below for departments in this situation.