resim 36
resim 36

Lünen’s former deputy mayor Daniel Wolski admitted in court to sexual contacts with young people. The judges imposed a prison sentence for this.

The former deputy mayor of the city of Lünen, Daniel Wolski, was sentenced to three years and six months in prison by the Bochum district court for sexual abuse and possession of child and youth pornography.

The former SPD politician made a comprehensive confession in the trial that had been going on since the end of March. He also paid compensation for pain and suffering to all affected children and young people. Immediately after the verdict was announced, the judges lifted the arrest warrant against Wolski on Tuesday. After more than 200 days in custody, the ex-politician is now a free man again. The judges justified this step by saying that there were no longer any grounds for detention such as the risk of escape or concealment. In view of the pre-trial detention he has already suffered, the remaining sentence is no longer particularly large. Wolski will have to take up this remainder after the verdict becomes final.

In their verdict, the judges strongly advised the defendant to address his sexual interest in prepubescent young people with therapeutic help.