There was no dispute, no communication, no “pre-done”: quite abruptly, the offender, according to the Nuremberg police have an APB out since Thursday evening feverishly had stung, in the Nuremberg district of St. Johannis three women who were traveling alone. Only through emergency situations, the women were able to be saved. The perpetrators, the police estimates that, in the meantime, as a serial offender, a forty-member special Commission (“locust”). You have however, so far no approach Thilo Bachmann, a senior detective Aldi rector said points for a “knowable subject”, in the police headquarters middle Franconia, on Friday. Only one of the women could not yet provide details, the other two victims were on the Friday afternoon hearing is capable of. The Note is “diffuse”, you reckon, to catch the man soon. The Nuremberg police are hoping to important “impulses” through the Operational case analysis of the Munich police, which supported the investigation. A terrorist Background is the police, however, exclude yet.
Karin Truscheit
editor in the Department “Germany and the world”.
F. A. Z.
The district of St. John, after the attacks, a helicopter circled, is far from be a problem area. It is a rather inconspicuous residential area to the West of the old town of Nuremberg is situated in gardens, with around 8000 inhabitants, a medieval Church and beautiful Baroque. On Friday scoured now officers armed civilian and Uniformed the district, a variety of police patrols was in use as police dogs. Also to the averting of a danger: The police want to show presence, to prevent further attacks. The police interviewed local residents, checked the passers-by, through pubs and game halls, as well as the possible hideouts were looking for. How dangerous and willing to take risks, the man is, against the public Prosecutor’s office determined because of the treachery, attempted murder, shows only the timing of the actions: After the first attack, and in spite of the police presence came the perpetrators, three hours later, two more women attack.
At 19.20 PM, the Unknown struck on Thursday evening for the first Time. A 56-year-old woman, a road went along, the offender responded. He stabbed her suddenly in the torso and fled. A young man made a report of the Online portal “Northern Bavaria” First aid, stormed into a hair salon and asked for towels, while the seriously injured woman was sitting outside on a bench. Then at 22.45 clock, looking for the perpetrators of a second victim. Without warning, he stabbed a 26-year-old woman who was on the way home. The third attack followed shortly after, as the perpetrators stabbed a 34-year-old woman. After that the man escaped in the darkness.