The British prime minister, Boris Johnson will on Wednesday in a “final offer” to the European Union for the conclusion of a new Brexit agreement. That it was his government Tuesday night announced, adding that it was a “fair and reasonable” price will go down. It is, according to Johnson, in the course of the last chance, to accept the EU, it does not, then, “the end of the process of the UK leaving the EU”.
“was any dialogue on this range of concerns, will the government stop the negotiations until we leave the EU”, he said in a statement. That updated in addition to that, the regeringshoofd formal proposals, and will reveal it in his slotrede at the conservative conference in Manchester, the north west of England.
SEE ALSO. The new strategy by Boris Johnson-to make the EU the British people themselves to angle (+)
the Northern Ireland
Johnson, according to The Guardian like to introduce you to Northern Ireland between now and 2025, under the EU rules to make them fall in property and agriculture. After 2025 the Northern Irish people to choose between the EU and the UK in terms of economic access. The north of Ireland, from the customs union; rather, the goods were to be free traffic.
Sources within the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) would have to be “mostly satisfied” with the proposal and Johnson’s. Some of the British papers will have mention of “a secret agreement”. The Irish Foreign Affairs minister Coveney will give it to the Irish media that he is not aware of. “We have yet to see anything under the face. As what we have in the media and hearing about what it is, it would seem that it is not a basis for a deal”, she said.
a new deal
now, Johnson is hoping that his final proposal, will be sufficient to cover the negotiations on the echtscheidingsakkoord to re-open. Inside diplomatic circles, it is referred to as a “kamikaze,” and wishful thinking. According to The Times ‘ Johsnon, resolutely going to the Good act, in addition to it.
More about the Brexit, The new strategy by Boris Johnson-to make the EU the British people themselves to angle Brexitperikelen, critics and the dismissals: the British Conservatives to hold an annual conference in a major top politicians around Boris Johnson: “Do Brexit is back, and there will be serious protests from the united Kingdom” Brexit, is threatening the family of Boris Johnson, all the way to tear up: prime minister now, also his sister, you can