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Rare secrets about his children. Like many celebrities, the actor Thierry Lhermitte, star of the Splendid, confides only on very rare occasions about his family and sentimental life. We know, however, that since the 1970s, he has shared his life with a woman named Hélène Aubert. A beautiful love story that has lasted for almost half a century.

“I met my wife more than forty years ago, when I was not famous and I was playing at the café-théâtre. She has always been of good advice (…) I was and I remain the man of one woman: mine. I’m still in love with her”, he declared to Paris Match in 2016. Clavier had confided in the secrets of longevity of his couple.

“Me, it seems to me that it is knowing that love is not unconditional. Love is conditional”, he began by affirming and explaining himself: “Me, it’s is my theory on love. I’ll explain. When you’re little, you only know the love of your parents. As a rule, it’s called unconditional love. Good, and so you learn in your first stories love that it’s not unconditional, that love is very conditional. So it’s negotiated and it’s temporary. Temporary that can last a lifetime, but it can stop all the time. So it seems to me that when we understood that it was conditional and temporary, we can live with that”.

From their love were born three children: Astrée in 1975, Victor in 1979 and Louise in 1993. The latter became a singer under the pseudonym of Lonny, as Thierry Lhermitte had declared to Bernard Montiel in the program One hour with on RFM , March 18, 2023. “She’s a singer-songwriter that I love. She’s my daughter Lonny,” he said after one of his songs aired. Aged 30, she made “alto violin from 6 to 18 years old”. His brothers have taken different paths. Victor, 44, works “in restoration in Canada” while Astrée, 48, has become a “painter”.