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Thanks to “La dolce vita”, pasta, pizza and the like, Italy is one of the most popular travel destinations for Germans. But the behavior of some tourists annoys the locals.

In the 2024 holiday season, numerous Germans will once again pack their bags and head to Italy via the Brenner motorway to spend their holidays there. But what is the most wonderful time of the year for some becomes a nervous stress test for others. The Italian daily newspaper “Corriere della Sera” conducted a survey and revealed that many Italians feel bothered by certain habits of holidaymakers.

The “TZ” reports that Italians complain primarily about the lack of respect for local customs and traditions. Many locals would like visitors to be more understanding of Italian culture and behave appropriately.

They find it particularly annoying when tourists go into the city in swimwear or sit on historical monuments. The first Italian holiday region is now even imposing fines of up to 500 euros if tourists appear in swimwear off the beach.

According to “TZ”, Italians also find the loud behavior of holidaymakers annoying. Noise at night, especially in residential areas, is perceived as particularly annoying. A local complained to the “Corriere della Sera”: “It’s as if they think they can do anything because they’re on vacation. This is very disrespectful.”

Despite anger at some visitors, Italians know that tourism is an important industry for the country and that without visitors many jobs would be lost.

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