resim 19
resim 19

This Tuesday, November 1, 2022, Camille Cerf had a nightmarish day. And for good reason, the ex-Miss France was the victim of a scam. Through her Instagram stories, she recounted her misadventure and warned her subscribers. “Who just got screwed over by a Vitale card scam? It’s me!” she wrote. And to add: “And 1,000 euros left in the pockets of, I don’t know who… Of course, it’s a holiday and I don’t have an appointment with my banker until tomorrow…”, she said to herself. expressed.

Camille Cerf then detailed this well-established fraud of which she was the victim. It all started with a message from Ameli that she received the day before, urging her to change her Vitale card which would be expiring. However, the Vitale card has no expiry date… Unfortunately, the Miss falls into the trap and goes to the site indicated in the message to fill out a form to receive her new card at home, subject to 99 cents fee. However, the site was a perfect reproduction of Ameli’s. The former beauty queen admits to having seen nothing but fire.

The next day, she receives a call from someone posing as a bank advisor. The latter explains to him that his bank card was used on a fraudulent site and that two payments – 1,000 euros then 599 euros – would have been made. In order to recover the sums withdrawn, Camille Cerf follows the instructions of this so-called bank adviser. “I tell myself that it’s too good that I have already been reimbursed 1,000 euros, that the bank is reactive and there, he says to me ‘we are going to go to the second reimbursement’ and there I read the message and I read that it It’s a payment and not a refund,” she explained. The former Miss then understands that she is being scammed by phone.

The Northerner says that she managed to oppose her card, but she explains that she will not be able to recover the 1,000 euros paid. “I really am a buffoon,” she blurted out.

This Wednesday, February 5 on the set of Touche not at my post, Cyril Hanouna and his columnists returned to the scam suffered by Lara Fabian, forced to cancel a concert in Romania. The opportunity for Benjamin Castaldi to confide in having been confronted with financial worries which ruined him.

The case dates back to 2003 when the famous host of Loft Story was the victim of a real estate scam. At that time, he invested in a building “in good standing”. But it turns out that this investment “cost him a fortune”, as he revealed in TPMP. “15 years later, the building is not worth much, we can’t sell it, and above all I had to pay a loan” he explained before specifying. “I had invested in Tulle, it’s not the best place… The building has been seized in the meantime but I’m still on trial. I have nothing left, only debts”.

Regarding the outcome of this real estate scam, the TV host “does not despair” even if other personalities have experienced the same misadventure. “It’s not just me, there are footballers, many of us have invested money, I think it will make noise in a while. There is a bank, there is a notary crooked,” he said.

Sad news for Lara Fabian fans. The 50-year-old singer had to cancel her concert in Romania on February 3, 2020 at the last minute.

“My friends. I wrote ‘my friends’ because you represent a big part of my life and I will be sincere with you… As a friend should be. I am in Bucharest, in my hotel and I am deeply saddened because I have to tell you that tonight’s show is canceled due to very unfortunate circumstances that are totally beyond my or my team’s control,” she wrote on her Facebook account before adding: “I feel anger and resentment because for the fourth consecutive time the person who manages the international tour (it does not concern France and the French tour) who is supposed to pay me for the realization of our shows, is I cannot accept to remain blind to such abuse, and I cannot continue to perform, when I obviously have to pay all my expenses, those of my team and the concert, without being paid to cover everything It’s just such a horrific situation. rible,” she explained.

The Voice coach apologized for this situation and promises to return to Bucharest soon: “Bucharest, I promise you, I will sing for you again soon… And yes, we will celebrate music and love together in joy that binds us”.

It’s a fairly classic scam that is worth the worst trouble to the singer today. Following a complex financial operation set up by the Landsbanki bank, Enrico Macias learns that it is asking him for 43 million euros to repay his debts. Considering themselves cheated, he and others who had taken out extremely advantageous loans with this bank, filed an appeal with the courts.

Last October, the bank was indicted for “fraud” and “lack of approval”, a first hope for all those borrowers who are afraid of seeing their property seized from one day to the next, the villa in St-Tropez of the singer having been mortgaged in this case…

It was while checking his accounts that the Quebec comic had a very bad surprise. A hacker used his bank details to make numerous purchases from Venezuela. The time to file a complaint, it is still more than 7,000 euros that flew away!

In this kind of story, it is often very difficult to find the crook.

Hollywood superstar, America’s hero is blackmailed by his childhood friend. The star had offered him a roof, a job and his friendship for 40 years. Bruce Willis had also given him videos, photos and many personal items to write a biography.

Today, his friend is asking him for 100,000 dollars and a luxury car or he will sell all his memories to the tabloid press.

In 2008, hackers managed to steal the bank details of the former President of the Republic, just that! They used it to open phone accounts and made small purchases online, so as not to attract attention.

Less than fifteen days later, the investigators indicted four people, all qualified as “petty crooks”. For the police, they were certainly unaware that these were the coordinates of the president. When you have bad luck…

In 1996, the actress met René Leporc at a party in Cannes. The charisma of the businessman convinced her to found a publishing house with him, in order to republish the memoirs of the interpreter of Angélique marquise des anges. But by falsifying the checks and imitating the signature of Michèle Mercier, he steals a total of nearly 400,000 euros!

In December 2008, he was sentenced to 18 months in prison and a fine of more than 200,000 euros by the Grasse court. Only, the man is currently in Vietnam where he has become a fishing chief!

It is a very dark affair that surrounds the American actor, victim of an extortion attempt in 2009. Senator Pleasant Bridgewater and an ambulance driver threatened to release photos of the deceased son of John Travolta if he did not give them 25 million dollars!

This sordid case ended in September 2010, after the charges against the two defendants were dropped, the Travolta couple being fed up with the stress and pain that the case was causing them, and preferring to turn the page on this family drama.

The French chef was not literally the victim of a scam, but he was used to set one up. The fame of Cyril Lignac has now crossed the borders of France and a Swiss restaurant wanted to take advantage of this popularity.

By announcing two gastronomic evenings in which the chef would have been the star, the customers normally having to taste his dishes, the Baulac hoped for a nice recipe, a pecuniary one… They had just forgotten to mention it to the main interested party who discovered on the internet that he is supposed to participate in these evenings! It was already the second time this had happened, a Belgian restaurant having already done it a few months before…

When you are the hairdresser of the stars, you have easy access to their credit card and their code. Maria Perez understood this well and took the opportunity to puncture more than 300,000 dollars from the accounts of her most upscale clients, just after having refreshed their necks and adjusted their bangs. Jennifer Aniston paid the price, as well as Cher or Liv Tyler, who are missing about $200,000 from the account!

Maria Perez is not new to fraud since she has already been convicted of pickpocketing, issuing unfunded checks and Social Security fraud!

When you are young and rich, you are often the target of scams. It is not Karim Benzema who will say the opposite. The Real Madrid footballer was blackmailed by the father of an ex who demanded 900,000 euros from him for intimate photos of the player of the France team.

The blackmail lasted a few months and the scammers were arrested when the ransom was handed over by the police!

“You’ll never guess: it’s Angelina Jolie!” Two owners of a building in Budapest were pleasantly surprised to see this one chosen by the star to shoot her first film as a director. Unfortunately, the caretaker had already taken care to collect the rental money without notifying them.

The building being in very bad condition, they only came to visit it very rarely and the caretaker thought that they would never know anything about it… Nothing very serious for the beautiful Angelina, who lost “only “2,000 euros in the case.

The ex-playboy of Alerte à Malibu would have lent in 2010 the equivalent of 100,000 euros to his artistic agent Tom Chasin. Today, David would like to see his money back and has taken his former friend to court to recover the sum plus interest.

David Charvet now lives in Los Angeles with his wife, model Brooke Burke.

In 2009, the best-selling writer experienced immense financial losses due to the calamitous management of his fortune. Due to bipolar disorder, she decides to entrust all powers over her money to Anchin, a wealth management firm.

Yet renowned for its reliability, the firm would have caused the author of Postmortem to lose around 27 million euros! FYI, Anchin also counts a certain Robert de Niro among its clients…

Nothing was spared Mickey Rourke! The terrible child of Hollywood has known glory, decline, cosmetic surgery problems… But also scams!

He is one of the main victims of Christophe Rocancourt, “the friend of the stars”. This Frenchman who hit the headlines in the 90s for having scammed Jean-Claude Van Damme, or even Michel Polnareff by pretending to be a boxer, a producer or even a member of the Rockefeller family! Rocancourt will live with Rourke for a while before stripping him like all his other “friends”.

Put away after going through the prison box, it seems that the old demons of Rocancourt have reappeared since in 2009, Catherine Breillat filed a complaint and accused him of having “borrowed” 600,000 euros from her. Christophe Rocancourt is currently in prison for not being able to pay his bail…

The star of the cult film Mary at all costs was, like David Duchovny, the victim of a clever boy living in Chicago, Adedamola Olatunki. All he had to do was declare the loss of the credit cards of these stars and the banks kindly sent him new ones!

One of the banks was still surprised when it had to send two cards with different names to the same address. The fraudster was therefore apprehended and charged with theft and serious identity theft.

To have your roof leaking in the first downpour, when you paid 7 million dollars for your house, it’s embarrassing! Rihanna sued the former owner of her superb Beverly Hills villa last September for failing to point out the defects and small imperfections hidden in the house.

The amount claimed has not been made public. We remember that the sexy singer from Barbados had already been ruined in 2008 by embezzlement from her manager at the time, who always denied it, and felt that her record company “didn’t pay her enough”! He only had $20,000 left in his account…

When he invests 70% of the funds of his company Wunderkinder in the pension fund Madoff Investment, he has no idea that he is going to be the victim of the scam of the century! The financial scandal that broke out in December 2008 is unprecedented since the losses and embezzlement amounted to 50… billion dollars!

Actors like John Malkovich, a Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel, banks, companies, all have been victims of the pyramid scam set up by Bernard Madoff, an American financier. The full list of victims was published in 2009, including the businessman’s children, as well as his…lawyer!

The 24 star may have saved the world on several occasions, but he was taken in like a bruise by a smart guy. In 2006, he invested $550,000 in cattle by signing a contract with a certain Michael Wayne Carr. He earns $130,000 in one month thanks to this investment and stacks up for $869,000!

But this time the contract was rigged by Carr and Jack Bauer does not see his money back. At his trial, Michael Carr will be ordered to reimburse Kiefer Sutherland and his other victims

Although she admits that she loves to travel by taxi in London, Lily Allen found the note of 5,000 euros a little salty when she wants to pay her subscription in 2008.

While searching, the singer discovers that it is a stripper who has access to her account and uses it for all her trips, professional or private!

The handsome kid was the victim of Marc Dreier. This New York lawyer was arrested at the same time as Bernard Madoff for having defrauded all his clients by reimbursing his investors thanks to the loans of his new partners.

Among its customers, there is a whole range of stars such as Tim Burton, Jon Bon Jovi or Maria Sharapova, but also major sportswear brands such as Nike, Adidas or Tommy Hilfiger. In total, more than 450 million dollars flew away! Marc Dreier was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

The Montreal poet found himself completely broke in 2005 after his manager and good friend Kelley Lynch cheated him. Cohen had set up a company to manage his money, in which Kelley owned 95% of the shares. A total of around 5 million dollars was squandered!

In March 2006, the singer won his case and compensation of 9 million. But Kelley Lynch does not obey the injunction order and completely ignores this judgment of the county of Los Angeles.