What would home maintenance be without appliances? These marvels of technology, which have been part of our daily lives for several decades, allow us to tidy up, scrub and cook with a vengeance, and with less effort… Even if sometimes their efficiency leaves something to be desired.

It must be said that manufacturers have no interest in buying products with a lifetime guarantee. On the contrary, if these become defective quickly enough, the consumer must constantly buy new ones, thus keeping afloat the flourishing economy of household appliances. This is the principle of “planned obsolescence”.

In 2019, the UFC Que Choisir even launched a “failure observatory” in this sense. According to the data collected by the association, here are the devices that most often fail:

These certainly very practical tools also pose another problem: they consume a lot of energy, and their use, it is not a secret, increases the electricity bill… According to the site fioulreduc.com, these are the following devices who consume the most energy at home:

But to save money, just as much as to make your life easier, there are some tricks and hidden functions on almost each of your devices. Discover them in our slideshow, and make your life easier!