The walloon government is destroying the sale of For the Win and Elicio by Nethys
The walloon government is destroying the sale of For the Win and Elicio by Nethys

in The Walloon region, the sale by the Nethys of the group’s subsidiaries to Win IT, Elicio (green energy), and Voo (cable tv operator) will be destroyed. That the Walloon minister-president Elio Di Rupo has been announced. The administration of the case file to the public prosecutor’s office.

The regional government has, on Sunday, three decisions were taken to sell, by Nethys, the operating arm of local authority Check (formerly Publifin of its shares in the teledistributiemaatschappij For, groenestroomproducent Elicio, and the IT group to Win, to destroy it. That is the prime minister, Elio Di Rupo, and the minister of Local government, Pierre-Yves Dermagne, at a press conference, will be announced.

the answers to that Nethys is the last day of the Walloon region has transferred in after the numerous revelations in the press in the last couple of weeks, the team of Di Rupo was discovered that Nethys on the 2nd of september, its share in the Win, and Elicio has been sold to the corporations by François Fornieri is also a director of Nethys), Ardentia, Tech, and Ardentia.

Conflicts of interest

sales For the U.s. fund Providence Equity partners, which consisted of a transfer of the shares, which still needs to be done. According to the regional government there had said it was a conflict of interest, lack of competition, and the bespottelijke amounts of certain of the sales, and the fact that, without the consent of the public officials what had happened.

if you are Elicio ‘the profits are privatized, and as a part of the loss collectiviseren’, who was a minister Dermagne on. And Fo there is no guarantee for the preservation of local employment, and the beslissingscentrum.

The elements of the case by the Walloon government to decide that the Walloon region and the information obtained has been transferred to the federal public prosecutor’s office, thus, added the prime minister, Di Rupo added.
More about the Walloon government, the Opposition, critical of the Walloon government coalition agreement: “What do you think all of them have to pay?” The federal negotiations, no Elio Di Rupo will be even more difficult: “the Di Rupo knows how to compromise, but the Magnette,…” Ultimately, MR, and PS stand behind the government, The most notable differences between the Walloon government agreement and the note, and The Truth