The ten commandments in the bullfighting arena of Luis Miguel Dominguin
The ten commandments in the bullfighting arena of Luis Miguel Dominguin

Angel González Abad Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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In 1952, when Luis Miguel Dominguin occupied a position of privilege in the ranks of matadors, the right-hander madrid had no qualms in giving its table of the ten commandments of bullfighting , whose precepts, like those of the Church, summed up in two: “Aarrimarse the bull and be honest with yourself.” So what picks up the writer Carlos Abella in the biography of Luis Miguel released in 1995.

Abella is the echo of an interview she gave to the then maximum figure of bullfighting in the month of June the newspaper “La Vanguardia” his commitment to the Monumental barcelona . Who years before was proclaimed number one in the very plaza de Las Ventas, lifting unequivocally his
