The State will appoint directors in the firms strategic rescue
The State will appoint directors in the firms strategic rescue

Mary CuestaSEGUIRMadrid Updated: Save Send news by mail electrónicoTu name *

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Will be the “last resort” and will have a “temporary “. And it will involve the appointment of representatives on the board of directors by the Government. is So shall the entry of the State into the capital of those enterprises which are considered of strategic importance , and whose viability penda by a thread because of the crisis of the coronavirus. The royal decree law of urgent measures to support the economic recovery and employment, published yesterday in the official gazette, and enters in force today, specified that the State must be resolved in a maximum period of six months to requests for assistance of the companies at the bottom of “rescue” -endowed with 10,000 million – and will be released from the obligation currently set out in the law of launch a public offer of acquisition (opa) in case the percentage to be acquired exceed 30% of the share capital of the company.

in Addition, the state representation, which shall be made only upon request of the interested company, will be reflected in the board of directors of the companies in a proportion equal to their share of participation.” The Government uses this form the open door for the European Union in the field of state aid to the States will be able to help companies in certain situations arising from the crisis of the Covid-19.

The community legislation establishes certain limitations in both its injection, as in certain policies of the recipient companies as the term that will last the injection. is aid in The form of recapitalisation must be accompanied by a plan of divestiture and, in any case, “you will be paid in line with the provisions in the referral time frame, and shall comply with the other requirements set forth in this”, is reflected in the BOE.

The fund will be managed from the SEPI through the council-manager , of new creation, an inter-collegiate affiliated to the Ministry of Finance. Will be the Treasury who will enter the amount of the dividends, interests, capital gains, and any other type of remuneration resulting from the investment of the participation and as well as of the management bodies of the companies that have been rescued.

in Addition, the fixed standard that all the transfer of assets, corporate operations and acts deriving from the input of public money “will be exempt from any tribute to the state, regional or local , it not being necessary, in this latter case, the compensation in the matter of taxes-local”