The Start up climate index business start up in Germany feel over regulated
The Start up climate index business start up in Germany feel over regulated

not too long ago, were disturbed by the founders in Germany, mainly due to the fact that you just came hard to the capital. That has changed: For Start-ups the financing situation in Germany is not as good as it was before. There is more Venture Capital and venture capitalists than ever before. What pushes the founders much stronger on the mind, is the regulatory. It looks as Germany’s Start-ups, and the policy speech needs.

Jonas Jansen

editor in the business, responsible for the “network economy”.

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this is based on a survey, in which investors Holtzbrinck Ventures (HV) and the F. A. Z., the mood among German Start-ups have requested. The “Start-up climate indicator” is to be draw in half a year’s sequence of a picture of the founder Ecosystem. Over a survey period of one month, the participants should answer a few questions about their Start-up.

money it is not

a Total of 109 Start-ups took part, with 105 valid responses were received. A good half of the respondents employed between 10 and 50 employees, around 43 percent were able to collect between one and five million euros in capital, about four out of ten Start-ups have recently completed their start-up funding, the Seed round.

the money there is no shortage obvious: Only a quarter of the surveyed Start-ups describes the access to Finance difficult (see graph). Of course, the Situation is not the same for everyone: Start-ups, who were able to collect more than 50 million euros in venture capital to feel, the access to new money is not more complicated than that.

founders, who have less than a Million Euro, keep the access for significantly harder. The younger a company is, the more difficult is the search of money-lenders. Anyone who has already established a lot and a Reputation has built up, can be easier to find new ways to Finance. “It will be interesting how this develops,” said Christian Saller, a Partner of HV and co-initiator of the survey. “The fact that the markets are broken, rounds are primarily the subsequent financing more difficult.”

as much money as never before

In retrospect, it looks for start-up companies but a good one: According to an analysis by the professionals from deal room German Start-ups in the past year, with almost 4.6 billion euros have so much money like never before by investors. Berlin is in Germany, clear front, Hamburg has recently received more money than Munich. Nevertheless, the Bavarian state capital lies in the importance of clearly ahead of Hamburg, though Berlin is still the largest point of attraction for both entrepreneurs as well as to their financiers.

That Berlin and Munich are by far the most important German Start-up cities, keeps Saller welcome. There is a need for a functioning Ecosystem is finally a critical mass. “In Berlin we have the largest talent pool, but also the greatest competition. In Munich, there is greater competition with the traditional businesses that are there. The war for Talent‘ we see virtually everywhere.“