The spending card at the supermarket exceeded the use of cash for the first time
The spending card at the supermarket exceeded the use of cash for the first time

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The payment card at the supermarket has passed for the first time the use of the cash, according to data collected by Nielsen, that relate this tendency with the change of habits of consumption observed as a result of the pandemic coronavirus figures Nielsen released this Wednesday revealed that in 54% of the acts of purchase recorded between march and may was used the card, as opposed to 38% the previous year.

The payment in cash was spent in the same period in 45.5% of the cases, fifteen points behind the existing data before the Covid-19 (61%).

This change of trend responds to the effects that the pandemic is leaving in the consumer and their habits during the alarm state, being one of the most important, the fall in visits to the establishments, which declined 13%, as well as the rise of ticket purchase (20%) during the period under review.

The consultant also remember that the increase in the use of the card is due to the health recommendations to not handle cash, as well as the decrease of visits to the atm machine , although it was an allowable activity even in the days of more restrictive confinement, the fear of the spread of the coronavirus led to less trips to the bank and having to pay with a credit card for the purchase of essential products.

with Respect to the expense in operations by cash or by card, already in period precovid were more substantial second, accounting for 54% of expenditure, compared to 45% of the cash, but with the pandemic, the ‘gap’ grew to 34 points of difference, in such a way that two of every three euros that are spent in making the purchase were made with card and only one out of every three in cash.

This trend change is also very much aligned to the boom in e-commerce that, by its characteristics, requires payments of digital and non-physical, delving into the decline of the euro banknotes and coins.