The sector of the beef looking for recipes to dilute the impact of the Covid
The sector of the beef looking for recipes to dilute the impact of the Covid

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the crisis caused by The Covid-19 has had, as in almost everything, serious impact on the beef market in Spain. The freeze dry Horeca channel (hotels, restaurants, and bars) led to a fall in demand which pushed the prices down, putting at stake the profitability of many farms.

In the new normal, the future prospects continue to be complicated . The European Commission has just published its report about the evolution of the agro-food production in the short term, where it predicts a decrease in beef production (-1,7%) by 2020 due to the situation of low prices and to the reduction of flock in the countries most producers such as France or Italy. In addition, there are plans to continue the fall in consumption. However, it gives a breath of hope both Spain and Ireland, which could benefit from some of opportunities in the external market .

Javier López , director of Provacuno, inter-professional of the sector, points out that “the Covid dampened the dream of the beef sector of the meat of convert by the year 2020 in one of the best years in its history. The opening of new markets, such as Japan in January, and the Philippines already atisbaba to the beginning of the year and has finally managed to open in June, giving new expectations to the sector.

the fear, the uncertainty and, in our case, the closure of the restoration by the pandemic changed everything . Even so, our sector is strong, fighter and has an innate ability to overcome and adapt to everything, as it is already doing”. And adds that “the market has experienced very different situations as time passes. The first two weeks of the state of alarm we work non-stop to supply the strong demand of the population. After all, we live in a slowdown in consumption and a containment of spending. Notice how the concern was moved to the point of sale, for the purchase of food.

once in the new normal, everything has begun to regain the normal rhythm, though with less joy . The restrictions of seating capacity in the restoration and the arrival paused from overseas tourism forecast a difficult year for the sector of the beef,” he admits.

Request for support

From the first time you asked aid to alleviate the effects focused on short-term measures, as was the support for private storage for parts noble used in the Horeca channel and restoration, as well as a program of fiscal incentives for cattle ranchers, cooperatives, industries, and other operators are indispensable in the supply chain affected by the situation.

“Since the European Commission launched a system of collection of meat, by means of private storage, which is just closed with a utilization level modest, although Spain, with nearly 600 tons stored , is the country that has used it”, advances López, who notes that “this crisis makes clear the need to position the agri-food sector as a strategic one, and that is the support that we ask of the Government. The national and european institutions should be aware that, if it had not been for the strength of our agri-food sector, this crisis has not only been health, but also food”.

“we need to position the agri-food sector as strategic and that is the support that we ask the Government”

To Provacuno, the export is key : “Will be the table of salvation to which to take hold of”, it’s clear the director of the interprofessional sector. This is why they ask the policy makers an additional effort for the opening of asian markets, which continue to be closed for this product. Nevertheless, the figures confirm an increase in exports, particularly to third countries, in which cattle increased by 31%, well above the 14% growth registered in the European Union. Something that “shows that our meat is of the highest quality and which is governed by the highest standards and respectful of the world,” he added.

With the end of the alarm state and the arrival of summer, the interprofessional puts all the meat on the grill “, so that consumers are aware of the benefits of the beef Spanish, considered the best in the world for its tenderness, taste and quality, for the diversity of its races, spread throughout the territory and by the versatility of its different cuts, which invite you to share unforgettable moments around the table,” he says.

Bet national

unique Moments that are wishing to live the Spanish. So reveals a survey conducted by Sigmados, in the 81% of the citizens claimed to have wanted to prepare a barbecue meal with beef to meet with family and friends, as well as re (75%) to taste the dishes of the restaurants.

In reference to the promotion of Spanish products, seven out of every ten ensures that it is fixed in the labeling to bet on the consumption of beef local , and 94% see a positive development of policies to protect the production sector. And so nothing is beyond the knowledge of the consumer hypermarkets, supermarkets and butchers will have badges to identify beef produced within our borders. Everything you need to that no one renounces to the benefits of this meat, and of a sector which it is declared, as his campaign, “a big fan of ours”.